LARG Monthly Meeting
September 16, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Boyd Garrett, N5CTI, at 8:45am with 27 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Minutes of the August meeting and the Treasurer's Report were not available.


 Committee Reports


Training - Denny, KF4TJI, reported on the new Amateur Extra training class which started on August 29 with 9 students. Henry, K2BFY, is still offering CW training as a part of the class. More instructors are needed. Denny announced that he will be retiring as Training Director at the end of his term.


Contests - John, W4AU, announced that they were organizing a group to travel to Pennsylvania and operate Multi-multi in Pennsylvania QSO Party. Bill, K8SYH, will be coordinating the activity which will involve a Field Day type of setup.

Also, tonight from 8pm - 12 midnight, Eastern Daylight Time, the National Contest Journal will host a Sideband Sprint. The Sprint rules are quite different from other contests, so inexperienced operators will want to check the NCJ website for rules and listen for awhile before operating.


Emergency/Public Service - Tom, WB3AKD, reported that the Reston Bike Ride in August was very successful. We had more volunteers and the experience we had gained from past operations was evident. A special thank you goes to Gary, NC4S, who led the operation and did an outstanding job. We had an opportunity to work more with APRS, different bands, and with more Red Cross interaction.

The next events are as follows:

1.      The Octoberfest in Lovettsville on September 30.

2.      The Ashburn Emergency Preparedness Fair on October 14 from 8:30am until 3pm at the Ashburn Church of Latter Day Saints.

3.      One of the major regional events each year is coming up again on October 30, and that is the Marine Corps Marathon. Please contact the NCAC, if interested in participating.

Another WiFi meeting will be held soon, time and place to be announced. We are continuing our work to establish a WiFi backbone for emergencies.


Balloon - Tom, WB3AKD, had nothing new to report but mentioned that another Fox Hunt would be scheduled in the near future. After discussion, it was decided to hold a Fox Hunt on November 18 after the club meeting.


Old Business


Coax - Tom, WB3AKD, told the club that he still has 100' of coax that was ordered by someone in the club.


Holiday Dinner - Meg, N4OGE, our Holiday Dinner Coordinator gave details on our Holiday Dinner, December 5 at That's Amore Restaurant in Cascades. Registration will be at 6:30pm with Appetizers served at 7:00. The cost of the dinner is $45 a person and you can join the "wine pool" for $4.00. We will need a head count by October 22 and final reservations by December 1.


 New Business


FISTS - Referring to our program in August by Gary, NC4S, concerning FISTS, The International Morse Preservation Society; Henry, K2BFY, made a motion that L.A.R.G. become a FISTS affiliated club. The motion was seconded by Randy, W4XJ and passed unanimously. (Secretary's note: The application was submitted to FISTS and we are officially an affiliated club. Our FISTS number is 12600.)


 The meeting was adjourned at 9:30am.


Respectfully submitted,


Randy Sly, W4XJ
