LARG Monthly Meeting
September 21, 2002

A meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group was held September 21, 2002 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Leesburg. President Mark Gillam, N3GMW, called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. Mark led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. No first time visitors were among the 29 friends and members present.

Minutes of the August meeting were approved as corrected.

Report of Treasurer Tom Garasic, NA4MA, was approved as presented.

Clarke County Emergency Communications Coordinator Tom Martin, KF4TNX, asked for assistance with the Piedmont Bike Tours in Clarke and Jefferson Counties on Sunday, September 22, 2002.

Larry Hughes, K3HE, modeled his recently acquired ARRL orange bib and ARES hat. These items could be useful in events such as the above.

Committee Reports

Balloon - Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, asked all interested in the balloon activity scheduled for October 5, 2002, to attend a meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, September 25th in the Robey Room of the Purcellville Library (notice to be posted on the reflector).

Public Service - Julie Belindo, KG4RKI, has forwarded club member comments on to Loudoun Red Cross and Reston Bike Club from the rides on Sunday, August 25th. Mark thanked her for coordinating and all who helped in this very successful event. Assistance from outside the county was appreciated.

Repeater - Dave Putman, KG4KZZ, reported that the person in Oregon from whom LARG had offered to purchase repeater equipment decided not to sell. Most equipment needed was purchased at the Howard County Hamfest on 9/17. A frequency pair has not yet been allocated. Arrangements for installation at the home of LARG member Paul Supan, K6PS, need to be finalized.

Training - After several large classes, only two students have shown interest in the Technician class begun September 10th at Leesburg's Balch Library. Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, would like to offer the class if both continue to come, but would favor the use of the tapes purchased from ARRL (geared to individual use) if only one shows continued interest.

Web site - Bill McCourt, WF1L, commended Norm Styer, AI2C, for site work, noting he has heard very positive comments from others about LARG's web site. There have been over 10,000 hits to date. See Norm if you need the "members only" password (please do not e-mail or transmit this on the air). Check on Flying Circus, Bike Ride and other news on the site; like : who were those guys in the ham radio car (in front of the Red Cross Hummer) in Purcellville's July 4th parade? LARGers Allon Stern, KE4FYL, and John Rehwinkle, KG4L, had a great time calling attention to amateur radio. They suggest that more of us get involved next year.

Other Business

Tom, NA4MA, asked if the club was now interested in renewing affiliation with FAR (Foundation for Amateur Radio), at a $25 per year fee. He made a motion for LARG to do so. This was seconded and approved. Bill, WF1L, and Julie, KG4RKI, volunteered as LARG's designated representatives.

Tom, NA4MA, also made a motion that LARG cancel its Purcellville Post Office Box. After a second and discussion suggesting that the club needs a permanent address and that the P.O. Box is the address in the FCC data base for K4LRG, the club call sign, the motion was defeated. The $20 per year fee will continue to be paid and Ray Houff, K4AJA, will continue to check for mail.

Tom, NA4MA, noted that it is nearing time for members to renew their LARG memberships. The preferred method of payment is by check.

Bettianne Buchholz reported on plans for LARG's 2002 Holiday Dinner. She and Bill, K8SYH, and Paul, N4PD, and Nancy, KE4RTP, Dluehosh, after sampling several restaurants, have selected Wednesday, December 18th at Tuscarora Mill in Leesburg for the event. Check entree selections on the web site or reflector. Final decisions will be made at the October meeting.

BA also suggested a "just for fun" Pizza Outing for Friday, October 4th. Since that would be the night for the traditional before balloon launch dinner, the date was changed to Wednesday, October 9th. See the reflector for a reminder about this.

Tom, WB3AKD, made a motion to move the balloon launch to the next meeting date of 10/19 (and leave pizza night on 10/4). After a second and some discussion, the motion was defeated.

Paul, N4PD, was offering "K-N-O-W CODE" buttons and Kenwood American Flag pins for donations toward LARG's repeater fund. He also spoke about his visit to ARRL's W1AW this past summer. Amateur radio is threatened with losing frequencies. October's meeting will include a "mug auction", with proceeds going to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund.

Thanks went to Angie Garasic, KG4AVR, for the delicious breads she baked and brought for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol L. Boehler, KF4TJJ
