LARG Monthly Meeting
October 21, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Boyd Garrett, N5CTI, at 8:45am with 29 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Virginia Section Manager, Glen Sage, W4GHS, was our special guest for the meeting. His presentation immediately preceded the business meeting. Glen covered some of the new developments at the League as well as subjects of particular interest to Amateur Radio in Virginia. In Virginia, the BPL issue is still a major issue. The ARRL has been working hard on this. Noting that Amateur Radio was covered in the Communications Act for the 21st Century talked about the importance of public service and stressed his desire to see RACES and ARES groups begin to work together again. He also gave the club an update on recent and pending FCC actions including the new R & O just released, the proposed bandplan based on emission type, and the "no code" issue.


After Glen's presentation, Boyd called our business meeting to order. The minutes were read by LARG Secretary Randy Sly W4XJ and were approved.



Committee Reports


Training - Denny, KF4TJI, reported that there were two more sessions for the new Amateur Extra training. The suggestion was made of the club providing Lab sessions with instruction on the use of such equipment as frequency generators and spectrum analyzers.


Denny recommended that we send a donation to Harmony United Methodist Church for the use of the building for classes. It was moved by Denny and seconded by Larry, K3HE, that $200 be sent to the church. The motion carried unanimously.


Boyd reminded the club that Denny will be retiring as Training Director at the end of his term.


Contests - Bill, K8SYH, reported on special operation for the Pennsylvania QSO Party. Eleven club members participated in the multi-multi stealth entry from Norm's farm in Berks County. With five stations operational, everyone had plenty of operating time.


The CQ WW phone contest is scheduled to take place the weekend of October 28.


Emergency/Public Service - Tom, WB3AKD, reported that the club will be having its next fox hunt in November following the club meeting. The frequency will be 145.65.


Tom represented ARES at the Emergency Preparedness Fair, October 14, at the Church of Latter Day Saints in Ashburn. He reported that attendance was sparse, but that the fair was well-organized and well-advertised. With small attendance, the exhibitors actually had a good opportunity to interact together. Tom said he was also able to focus on the opportunities churches have to recognize and utilize amateur radio resources in times of emergency.


The Lovettsville Octoberfest utilized amateur radio for crowd support, under the leadership of John Westerman, KD5ODJ. The reports coming back on the club's participation was very positive. The area covered was small enough for simplex operation.


Tom also reminded the club that First Night Leesburg is not very far away.



Old Business


Holiday Dinner - Boyd reminded the club of our upcoming Holiday Dinner, December 5 at That's Amore Restaurant in Cascades. Registration will be at 6:30pm with Appetizers served at 7:00. The cost of the dinner is $45 a person and you can join the "wine pool" for $4.00. Those planning to attend were reminded to call Meg, N4OGE, and let her know. She will need final reservations and money by December 1.


New Business


Randy, W4XJ, announced that he had the FSD-218 forms from the ARRL available in its original "pink card" form.


Bill Frisbie, W3EMH, brought up the subject about the Dulles Amateur Radio Group, which at this point has no actual membership. DARG operates the 145.310 repeater that is used frequently by the club and club members. He suggested that LARG members should consider joining DARG in order to provide support for the repeater.


Ken Kizzee, KF4EOM, told the club that he has a new ICOM repeater available for the club to use. He purchased it to learn more about repeaters and their operation. Currently it is functioning locally on an uncoordinated frequency pair.


Larry, K3HE, announced that flu shots were available today at Heritage High School.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:35am.


Respectfully submitted,


Randy Sly, W4XJ
