LARG Monthly Meeting
October 19, 2002

A meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group was held October 19, 2002 in the fellowship hall of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (HTLC) in Leesburg. President Mark Gillam, N3GMW, called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. He led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. No first time visitors were among the 24 friends and members present.

Minutes of the September meeting were approved as corrected.

Report of treasurer Tom Garasic, NA4MA, was approved as presented.

A form for 2003 renewal of membership will appear in the December newsletter. The current roster was circulated for all to check and make any needed corrections.

Committee Reports

Balloon - Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, reported on a 9/25 committee meeting at which the launch scheduled for 10/5/02 was scrubbed. An ATV payload will not be ready before spring so a fall launch would again carry still cameras. A motion was approved to set the mission for 11/16/02, in place of the regular club meeting. Look for updated information on the web site and/or reflector. If launch is again scrubbed, the regular meeting will be held at HTLC.

Repeater - Dave Putman, KG4KZZ, reported no activity for the previous month. Waiting for news from TMARC, testing equipment and frequencies, and looking into existing repeaters that are possibly available are sufficient matters for committee members to consider.

Contest - John Unger, W4AU, commented on upcoming contests and changes in reporting to ARRL for club entries. His offer to volunteer as coordinator for club entries was accepted. John presented information on radio wave propagation, charts and web sites as aids in pre- dicting favorable band conditions. Whatever info you use as a guide, you do need to turn your radio on and listen around the bands. Many contests include a break period. It was suggested that SPARC reinstate the break for future VA QSO Parties. Dick Maylott, W2YE, noted that any comments about VA QSO can be e-mailed to Bill: [email protected].

Public Service - On behalf of the Red Cross, Jay Greeley reported on August's Reston Bike Rides for which LARG provided communications support. About 1100 riders helped raise over $12,900, bringing the disaster relief fund for Loudoun's Chapter to over $114,000.

Old Business

Paul Dluehosh, N4PD, requested final votes for entrees and dessert for LARG's annual Holiday Dinner to be held 12/18/02 at Leesburg's Tuscarora Mill Restaurant. Check the web site for reservation form (one will also be included in November's newsletter). Form with check for the appropriate amount is due by 12/2/02 to BA & Bill Buchholz, K8SYH.

New Business

Mark asked for volunteers for the nominating committee for 2003 club officers. Committee members are: Paul Dluehosh, N4PD; Bill McCourt, WF1L; and John Unger, W4AU.

Bill, WF1L, reported on and handed out information about a computer logging program available from N3FJP in Bel Air, MD. There are discounts for multiple orders from a club.

Dates for upcoming events were announced and a reminder about handout materials made.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol L. Boehler, KF4TJJ

Recording Secretary