LARG Monthly Meeting
November 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 0835 hours, Saturday, November 19,2011,  by LARG President Luther Guise, K5NOB. Thirty-six attendees were present:
Luther Guise, K5NOB Merc Skuggs, N4TGA Don Baucom, K4YND Jay Pisula, W3CZJ
Bryan Stephens, KG4UPR Paul 'Jay' Grant, KJ4MTI Ken Sullivan, KJ4GYL Mike Wodynski, K2LEK
Sally Guise, K4NOB Eric Carlson, AJ4LN Chris Williamson, KK4DLP Judy Wodynski, XYL
Dodson Brown, AJ4EY Dan DuBray, KI4RSD Dick Maylott, W2YE Nancy Dluehosh, N1NCY
Marcia Brown, KJ4GYH Gene May, WB8WKU Carol Boehler, KF4TJJ Paul Dluehosh, N4PD
Charley Preston, K4LJH Chris Fristad, KT9N Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG Chris Painter, KB3RUR
Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH Denny Boehler, KJ4TJI Frank Gentges, K0BRA Jeff Slusher, KE5APC
Dave Putnam, KE4S Jim Stowers, K4FW Bill Fenn, N4TS David Boltson, WA4TXE
Jay Ives, KI4TXP Jay R. Greeley, KI4UTB Norm Styer, AI2C Henry Weidman, K2BFY

The following visitors were recognized:

Lance Walker
Jay Grant (KJ4MTI)

Minutes from the October 2011 meeting were approved.

The Treasurer's report was approved as posted.


LARG Patches remain available 1 for $5, 2 for $8, or 4 for $l0.

LARG received a generous donation of $900 from The Reston Bike Club in appreciation for the Reston Century communication support provided August 21st. A thank you note was sent acknowledging the donation.

A reminder was provided regarding the Sky Warn training class scheduled for December 14th. Full details were posted to the LARG reflector.

Denny (KF4TJI) requested photographs for preparation of the 2012 LARG calendar.

Luther (K5NOB) and Norm (AI2C) requested photographs documenting LARG support for the Balls Bluff re-enactment. Norm will prepare a package for publication to the LARG web site.

Judy (XYL de K2LEK) announced an upcoming Open House at Morven Park scheduled December 3rd, and a C-SPAN production featuring the Balls Bluff re-enactment scheduled December 26-27th.

Henry (K2BFY) provided an update on behalf of Bill (W3EMH) regarding recent preparations to support amateur radio emergency capabilities at Loudoun Hospital. A test event is planned. Norm (AI2C) suggested LARG consider acquisition of equipment to support future amateur radio operation from the hospital site.

Jay (KI4UTB) reported that a formal agreement between LARG and the local VFW chapter would be worthwhile in anticipation of the upcoming presidential inauguration in January 2013. Jay also indicated there may be an opportunity for an antenna installation at the VFW facility. Jay agreed to pursue the LARG-VFW agreement.

Jeff Slusher (KE5APC) announced a commission program available to LARG for club members who are renewing their ARRL membership. Jeff provided copies of the special ARRL membership application required to claim credit for the LARG commission.


PUBLIC SERVICE Jay (KI4TXP) reported that LARG should anticipate providing communication support for Leesburg First Night on New Year's Eve. [NOTE: Subsequent to the meeting, The Leesburg First Night event was cancelled.]


Jay Greeley (KI4UTB) announced a Tech training class scheduled January 13-14 at Morven Park with a test session scheduled the following weekend. A General training class is tentatively planned for March or April.

Norm (AI2C) shared an update on his health status, and received many best wishes.


Rick (AI1V) provided an update regarding HR607 which includes provisions that could reallocate the 70cm amateur band to other services. According to an ARRL Legislative Update, the bill is likely dead in committee. Rick also advised that pending bills HR81/S191 would commission a DHS study to develop recommendations toward enhancing the role of amateur radio in supporting emergency communications. The study may consider impacts of antenna restrictions on amateur radio.


Reference was made to Field Day 2011 results published in the current QST magazine indicating LARG earned 10th place.


Nancy (N1NCY) reported that the YLRL is collecting ballots for new officers.


Bryan (KG4UPR) announced the program following the meeting will be a video seminar from the collection of Norm (AI2C) that addresses techniques for improving contesting and operating skills.


Nancy (N1NCY) provided an update on preparations for the upcoming holiday party scheduled December 10th at the Hamilton Safety Center. The vocal group including Bob (KJ4NXB) will be performing at the start of the party.


Paul reported the nominating committee is working to identify candidates to serve as 2012 LARG officers.


Several contests were announced including Sweepstakes Phone (November 17-18), CQWW (November 24-25), and ARRL 160m (December 2-4). Changes to operating hours for the 2012 Virginia QSO Party were discussed including suggestions to consider shifting the March LARG club meeting to avoid conflict.

REPEATERS Dave (WA4TXE) advised that the 146.7 repeater has an exciter issue and is off the air for documentation and cable work. After the 146.7 repeater is restored the next project is to activate the Charlestown remote repeater. Frank (K0BRA) reported that the 145.31 repeater will be adjusted soon to tighten the squelch tail.

Meeting Adjourned


Bryan Stephens KG4UPR
for Doug Johnson KJ4BRN
LARG Secretary


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled - this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.