The meeting was called to order at 8:38 a.m. on Saturday, November 20, 2004, by President
Dale, K3CN, who then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance with 32 people attending.
A first-time visitor and ham living in Lovettsville, Walt Bain, W4LTU, introduced himself. Walt is currently
inactive but recently wrote an article on antenna design in the November issue of CQ Magazine.
The October 2004 LARG minutes were read by the Secretary, John, W4AU, and were approved.
Our Treasurer, Gary, NC4S, reported that the club had a beginning balance of $2,134.72 on October 1. The
club had no expenses reported and had income of $500.00 in the form of a totally unexpected donation from
the Reston Bike Club and $0.38 interest, giving balance of $2,535.10 on October 31; the Treasurer's report was
approved as presented.
Our featured speaker for the meeting, Brian Bayus, N1KC, gave the club an interesting and informative talk
about the ARRL Official Observer (OO) program. OO's have to be recommended by Section Manager,
approved by the ARRL and pass an FCC test. Brian passed out brochures explaining what OO's do and don't
do. If you are interested in joining the Amateur Auxiliary OO program, contact Brian, [email protected]
Tom, NA4MA, reported that the 14 pocket APRS transmitters he has ordered for club members have not
arrived yet. Tom also said that the base for his tower has been poured and that he hoped that with the help of
club members he would finish pouring the guy anchors today.
Tom, WB3AKD, reported that there has been some interest in forming a "Northern Virginia" section and that
those interested in pursuing this issue should check with Tom for details on an upcoming meeting to discuss the
process for creating a new section. Tom also reported that Denny, KF4TJI, and Carol, KF4TJJ, successfully
organized communications support on very short notice for a Friends of Loudoun Mental Health walk/ride on
the C&O Canal Towpath.
John, W4AU, gave a description and some tips for operating in the SSB Sweepstakes contest, which start this
Bill, WF1L reported that two people completed the Technician license class that was given this fall. Bill has
given them a schedule of license exams that will be given in the region so that they can become licensed hams.
Bill also announced that he is stepping down from being the LARG Training Coordinator, so anyone who
would like to take on this rewarding role should contact one of the club officers.
Bill reminded club members that they should consider subscribing the AutoCall, a monthly Amateur Radio magazine published for hams in
the DC/Baltimore metro region. LARG is a member club of the Foundation for Amateur Radio, which
publishes AutoCall, and LARG receives $1.00 for every subscription made by a member of the club.
Dale, K3CN, said that he would entertain a motion to confer Honorary Membership on past LARG founding
member, Bob Bee, W4POF, who recently died in a farm accident and for Life Membership be given Bob's wife
Shirley, KF4VBZ. The motion was made and passed unanimously.
Dale, K3CN, reported that the 11th Annual LARG Christmas Dinner has been organized and will take place on
December 8, 2004 at the Beautiful South restaurant.
A nominating committee for the 2005 club officers was appointed and consists of Paul, N4PD, Dave,
KG4KZZ, and Mark, W3ZI. If you are interested in serving as an officer in the club or wish to recommend
someone, contact one of these committee members.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Unger, W4AU, Secretary