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LARG Monthly Meeting November 18, 2000 |
President Ray Houff, K4AJA, called this meeting at the Leesburg Public Safety Building to order at 8:50 a.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the secretary's minutes of the September meeting were approved as corrected: Jamboree instead of Camporee. Tom Garasic, NA4MA, presented treasurer reports for the past two months. Current balance is $608.25, with $297.31 allocated to the balloon fund. Tom noted that Norm, AI2C, donated the helium for October's balloon launch ($99) and that Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, supplied numerous parts and a great deal of time in design, building and testing of the payload. We discussed the successful balloon launch, tracking and recovery on 10/21/00. John Unger, W4AU, noted that we've gotten pretty good at "running around the MD suburbs" to locate the payload but need work on tracking the balloon in flight. Several club members are researching and or building various doppler or time-difference-of-arrival systems. Ray related that the next launch tentatively set for the early part of 2001 will include a still camera (purchased and modified by Bob Bee, W4POF). The following launch (#4) will probably include ATV. Ray welcomed visitor Dick Maylott, W2YE. There will be no club meeting in December, but all are encouraged to attend the holiday dinner on Thursday, 12/7/00 (reservations due by 11/30). Officers for 2001 will be elected at the January meeting. Ray appointed the nominating committee: John, W4AU; Paul Dluehosh, N4PD; and Mark Gillam, N3GMW. John will produce newsletters in both December and January. Several club members not at today's meeting are attending an ARES training session at Lord Fairfax College in Middletown, VA. All ARES registration must now be done on-line. Even if you've previously signed up for ARES, you must re-register (www.ARESVA.org) on their website. Mary Oliphant, KF4UUY, had handed Ray a statement about VA state vehicle license plates for amateur radio operators. A radio is to be permanently installed in the vehicle for proper display of these plates. Larry McCaig, KC1YC, put in a plug for the ARRL proposed plates for which only about half the number needed to run these plates have applied). Cost differences were discussed. John, W4AU, reported that Field Day 2000 results are listed in the December issue of QST. LARG finished in the top 9% in our class (3A) and 2nd in VA. John also encouraged participation in the ARRL 10 Meter DX Contest the weekend of December 9-10. Talk to John or Norm if you would like to contribute to LARG's entry in the small club category. Larry, KC1YC, reported that LARG gained two student members from the Scout Jamboree in October. Thanks go to Norm, AI2C, for organizing our participation in that event and to all who helped on sight and over the air. Paul, N4PD, asked for volunteers to help with Leesburg First Night on Sunday, 12/31/00, from about 5 to 10 or 11 p.m. A chance to enjoy good entertainment and good food await all willing to help with communications that night. Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, reported that of eight students beginning the Technician class this September, four regular attendees are left. The final review session will be rescheduled from 11/22. Exam schedules are on the ARRL web site. Following adjournment about 9:30 a.m., a few club members displayed show and tell items: Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |