LARG Monthly Meeting
May 19, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Dave Putman, KE4S, at 8:40 am with 26 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


New members, those who have been away for awhile, and visitors were recognized, including: John Ives, KI4TXP; Vic Carter, KB9WXV; Sean Sheedy, AI4ID; and Craig Brown, N4FSC, the original owner/builder of the 145.310 repeater.


The Secretary's minutes were accepted as published.


The Treasurer's report was received and accepted. We currently have 89 active members and 6 honorary members on our rolls.


Committee Reports


Training - No report


Interference - No report


Emergency/Public Service - Tom, WB3AKD, offering thank you's to those who participated in the Vertex Drill on April 26 and the Dulles Drill on May 5.

The Dulles drill has over 70 Amateur Radio participants. We upgraded the services that were offered. Several areas of service will need to be evaluated as a result of the exercise, including the hospital infrastructures, APRS utilization, repeater coverage, and spectrum management. An all hands meeting will be scheduled at some time in the near future.


Contests - Next weekend is the WPX CW Contest



New Business


Carol, KF4TJI, shared an interesting story written by an XYL from the YLRL entitled, "Caring for Your Pet Ham."


Randy, W4XJ, announced that the Boy Scouts were holding a Camporee today at Lake Fairfax and would be transmitting weather reports on the 145.310 repeater. All amateurs are encouraged to make contact and receive one of their reports.


He also announced that the new ARRL PR Brochures featuring Emergency Communications are available.


A question was brought up on the status of DARG and the DARG repeater. It was suggested that Bill, W3EMH, who was not present, would have the answer.




The May program was "Contesting 101" by John Unger, W4AU, and Paul Dluehosh, N4PD


The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.


Respectfully submitted,


Randy Sly