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LARG Monthly Meeting May 18, 2002 |
A meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group was held May 18, 2002, at the Leesburg Ponderosa Restaurant with 29 members and visitors in attendance. President Mark Gillam, N3GMW, called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m. and lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The report of the treasurer, Tom Garasic, NA4MA, was approved as presented. Mark acknowledged up-grades to amateur extra class for himself; Dale Harrison, KG4OTI; and Bill McCourt, KG4OHE; and congratulated Paul McIntyre, KG4TIH, on joining the ham ranks. Committee Reports Emergency Services - Loudoun ARES Coordinator Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, asked all in ARES to
try to check-in to one traffic net per week. Look on www.NVTN.org for listings. For any not e-mailing registration data, forms were distributed to be turned in to database manager Gary Quinn, NC4S. Balloon - Tom, WB3AKD, reported the scheduled launch for 7/20/02. Check the LARG web site for up-dates on this operation and contact the various activity leaders if you would like to be involved. Public Service - Mark asked for a volunteer to head up involvement in the Red Cross/Reston bike rides, Sunday August 25th. Mark and Norm Styer, AI2C, have information available from last year. Red Cross representative Jay Greeley announced that planning has begun. Julie Belindo, KG4RKI, volunteered as LARG's representative and coordinator for the event this year. Training - Mark reported for coordinator Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, that extra classes continue through early June at Balch Library. Several class members plan to take exams at Manassas. CW - Norm, AI2C, and his group are working on a declaration in support of CW to present to the club. LARG has a slow code net on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. local time on 28.050 MHz. Repeater - Dave Putman, KG4KZZ, asked for help about an hour after the close of the meeting to help test reception of a few frequencies across various points in the area. He and Paul Dluehosh, N4PD, will be at a possible repeater location at the home of member Paul Supan, K6PS. Field Day - 2002 LARG Field Day Chair John, W4AU, brought the group up to date on plans so far for this 6/22-23 event. Final plans will be made by or at the June 15th meeting. Check the club web site for up-dates, to sign up for operating times, and to see what else is needed. LARG will operate in class 4A at the farm of member Bob Oliphant, KF4VBM. There will also be a K4LRG VHF/UHF and satellite station as well as a new "Get on the Air" HF station operating under a different call sign. Old Business 1. Benefits and responsibilities for membership in FAR (Foundation for Amateur Radio) were again discussed. A motion to renew FAR membership was made seconded and unanimously defeated. Joe Sheinman, W2BHK, directed members to ARRL's web site for sample letters and info on a House of Representatives bill aimed at limiting CCNR and HOA restrictions on amateur antennas.
He quoted a statistic that about 60% of amateur radio operators currently reside in restricted areas. New Business 1. Gary , NC4S, asked all interested to talk to him about placing a bulk order for coax. 2. Temp Titus, W4HZV, has sold his home and will be full-time Rving for a few years.
He mentioned plans to donate several items to LARG, an ARRL affiliated group. The May meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |