LARG Monthly Meeting
March 20, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. EST by President Jay, KI4TXP. One new (old) member was present, Cheryl Beuning, K0CJB and there were no visitors in attendance. There were 24 members present.

Minutes from the January meeting were approved as posted.

Jeff, KE5APC, presented the Treasurer's report, which was approved as presented.

Committee Reports

Public Service: Jay, KI4TXP provided an update on the Dulles Drill, scheduled for May 8th, 2010. The Drill is expected to be a small operation from an amateur radio perspective, with LARG looking at providing ~10 members, covering 2 buses and possibly a shadow. Four medical facilities will participate, but they do not require LARG support.


John, W4AU covered more information on the VA QSO Party:
1. Emphasized that if you operate the VA QSO Party both mobile and fixed, you must submit two entries and two logs.<br />
2. Don't take it too seriously, have fun.
3. Longest QSO party in the country.
4. Mobile Points:
      i. In-State Mobile QSOs count 3 points regardless of mode
      ii. Out-of-State Mobile count 1 point for SSB QSOs and 2 points for CW QSOs
5. Notes:
      i. A couple of weeks after the QSO Party, a few experienced people will get together to check logs.
      ii. Remember to enclose a $1 (it is traditional) with your summary sheet to the QSO party organizers, to help defray expenses.
      iii. Make sure your summary sheet says you are with the LARG, this gives the club credit for your participation.

Denny, KF4TJI, reminded mobile operators to include their current county with their callsign to help people know whether they need to contact the mobile for that county. Denny also provided paper logs, county/city abbreviation sheets, and band plans for those wanting them.

Norm, AI2C provided the following by Email and they were covered by John, W4AU.

1. At the end of the Party on Sunday Night, as John mentioned in one of his tips, I recommend that we meet on 10-Meters on 28370 KHz at 0040Z - 2040 hours local - 8:40 PM EDST and also meet on 15-Meters on 21370 kHz at 0050Z - 2050 hours local - 8:50 PM EDST to QUICKLY make a few QSOs with each other on Phone and CW. Be quick, it only takes 10 seconds per QSO. We can also coordinate this on 146.580 MHz and pick any missed 2-Meter QSOs there. Any earlier and some of us may still be running the "Left Coast" on 20 Meters or sitting on 80 Meters Phone.

2. I see my Scheduling Chart has an extra hour in it at 0100Z. I'll fix that and repost it:

Website: (Note: Norm, AI2C provided his inputs by email and they were read by Jay, KI4TXP. The information below is the emailed information)

1 - Opened up a 2010 Field Day Section at:

I look forward to receiving more information for posting. The next two pages to go up will be the ORGANIZATION CHART and the OPERATOR SCHEDULING PAGE. I need guidance on how Doug will handle sign-ups.

2 - The stuff on 2010 Virginia QSO Party has been updated at:

This includes referencing latest pages from SPARC's Internet Site and adding a page that captures John Unger - W4AU's 2010 Operation Tips. The latter is at:

I plan to go back on to QST de K4LRG and capture John's 2009's Operating Tip.

The All Time Scores of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group is also current:

3 - Other normal stuff like net rosters and keeping the Announcement Page continues. And, regular updates to HF Prop Forecast continues at:

Awards: (Note: Norm, AI2C provided his inputs by email and they were read by Jay, KI4TXP. The information below is the emailed information)

"The LARG Awards Committee composed of John Unger - W4AU, Rick Miller - AI1V, Denny Boehler - KF4TJI and Norm Styer - AI2C, continues to meet in "SECRET." Look for some action before Field Day."

Legislation Affairs: (Note: Norm, AI2C provided his inputs by email and they were read by Jay, KI4TXP. The information below is the emailed information)


Information about and status of the

1) Senate Bill 1755 -- The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009, and

2) HR 2160, the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 are available at:


Information about and status of Commonwealth of Virginia 2010 General Assembly legislative action on mobile wireless devices are available here: - Tabled on 02/26/10 in House: Tabled in Militia, Police and Public Safety by voice vote. All other proposed bills had been either combined with others and/or eventually also tabled. Senate Bill SB-517 was the lone surviving bill until it was tabled in the House on February 26, 2010.


Jay, KI4TXP, noted that the presentation by Mr. Riley Hollingsworth, scheduled for April would have to be postponed due to Mr. Hollingsworth undergoing minor surgery the day before the scheduled presentation and he would not be able to travel. Mr. Hollingsworth indicated that he would like to reschedule.

Luther, K5NOB, gave a run down of the upcoming programs:

April – Lee Gladwin will give a talk on Bletchley Park. Bletchley Park was the British super-secret code-breaking headquarters during World War II.

May – Jeff, KE5APC will give a presentation on EchoLink.

June – Doug, KJ4BRN will cover final planning for the 2010 Field Day.

Interference: Paul, N4PD reported that there were no interference issues to report.

Old Business

Jay, KI4TXP indicated that the agreement with the VFW was still being worked.

Dodson, AJ4EY, indicated that there were no additional changes to the new LARG brochure design and he would get with Denny, KF4TJI for printing in time for Field Day.

New Business

There was no new business brought forward for consideration

The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 a.m. EST.

Respectfully submitted, Dodson B. Brown, AJ4EY, LARG Secretary


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.