LARG Monthly Meeting
March 15, 2008

The meeting was called to order Vice President Rick Miller, AI1V, at 8:40 am and the Pledge of Allegiance said. President Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, was out of town.

Rick welcomed new members and guests to the meeting.

The minutes were accepted as published on the website.

The treasurer's report presented by Jeff Slusher, KE5APC, moved and accepted.


Public Service – Tom Dawson, WB3AKD - Tom reported that a SKYWARN Flood class will be held in Leesburg and information would be coming on it through the reflector.

Balloon Committee – Tom Dawson, WB3AKD - Tom told the group that we are establishing a digital committee for balloon payload. We should have an anticipated launch in July of 2008.

Interference, Education Committees – no reports.

Field Day: Shirts and pins are now available from ARRL. Rick mentioned that we should put an order in as soon as possible.

Contest: VA QSO Party starts this afternoon at 2:00 pm. Every amateur in the club is encouraged to participate as much as possible.

Website – Norm - Our new home page design is now up and running.

Other Announcements

Carol KF4TJJ announced the upcoming YLRL conference, July 2008, in Huntsville, AL. She has raffle tickets for sale.

Jay, KI4TXP announced that we have two "damaged" banners for sale at half price – 37.50.

New Business

Jay, KI4TXP, moved that we donate $100 to VFW to go toward their oil for heating. Motion carried.

Jeff Slusher, KE5APC, stated that we don't have a program committee and there are most months where the program is not already scheduled such as the meeting close to Field Day, VA QSO party, etc.

It was noted that according to our constitution the Vice President heads the Program area for the club. Jeff Slusher and Jay Greeley volunteered to help.

Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, mentioned that Walter Reed Hospital is interested in re-activating their MARS station. We need to make a presentation to soldiers, making the world of ham radio known to them and also request activation from the commanding officer. Emcomm people in Maryland and DC have indicated they will support the activity as well. He also wanted to see if there was interested in setting up a MARS station at the VFW Hall. AOL donated 800 T-shirts for wounded soldiers.

Anyone interested in visiting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed on Thursday afternoons, see Jay. Jeff, KE5APC, mentioned that two members of LARG are members of Army MARS and would be interested in helping out. We could also provide training and licensing support for the soldiers. Dave, KE4S, reported that we have a Kenwood transceiver available to set into a station at the VFW.

Jay, KI4TXP, asked a question about getting non-profit status for the club. He would be willing to take the initiative to investigate. Rick indicated that, according to Gary, NC4S, it was investigated years ago and decided against it. This may also require constitutional changes for the club. We tried to accomplish this a few years ago without success. Jay, KI4TXP, was assigned responsibility to work on a 501.C.3 possibility for the club with others who were interested in looking into it.

Jay, KI4UTB, has indicated that the Loudoun Red Cross is going through very tough economic times, including lay-offs, etc. Encouraged the club to give a donation. A motion was made by Jay to send a check to the Red Cross for their Heroes Fund for $200. Seconded by Dave, KE4S. Motion carried.

Denny, KF4TJI, presented a short program on homebrew direction finding antennas after the formal portion of the meeting ended.

Motion to close the meeting, moved, seconded and carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:23am.


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.