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LARG Monthly Meeting March 18, 2006 |
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. by President
Boyd, N5CTI. He led the twenty members
present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The minutes of the February meeting were read by Boyd and
approved as amended. Gary, NC4S, gave
Treasurer Reports for January and February, 2006. Both reports were approved as presented. Comments were made that the club has too much
money and ought to spend some of it. Tom, WB3AKD, promised some forthcoming balloon equipment expenditures.
Committee Reports
Training - Denny, KF4TJI, reported he has heard from at least six people for the General
License Class to begin Friday, 3/24 (7-9 p.m.) at
Services/Public Service - Tom, WB3AKD, noted that most
everyone at the current LARG meeting had been at the ARES Meeting on Monday,
3/13 at Leesburg's Rust Library. He will
put out a summary on the LARG reflector. Communication support will be provided for the March of Dimes
Walk-a-thon in Leesburg on Sunday, 4/30 and at an EOC event on Thursday,
4/27. Future activities include a major
county exercise on Wednesday, 6/14 and the Reston Bike Club's century rides in
support of the Loudoun American Red Cross Chapter the last Sunday of August.
A fox hunt
is planned to follow the club meeting on Saturday, 4/15. Be prepared to track the signal (transmitting
on 145.65) in the
Interference - Boyd reported for Mark, W3ZI, on issues with the APRS and Bluemont Repeater frequencies. The latter (by a repeat offender near Front
Royal) was resolved by
Old Business
Grant, KB3EMT, gave an update on the application for ARISS
(Amateur Radio on the International Space Station). He has prepared a press release and is
working with the Round Hill Elementary School Principal on establishing
necessary links. He reminded everyone
that this is a one to two year process,
Several members were on their way to starting points for the
weekend's VA QSO Party or making final preparations for it. All participating members were wished many
good contacts!!
With little more than three months to ARRL's Field Day event
(last full weekend in June), LARG still does not have a chairman. Volunteer to Boyd - soon!!!
Also contact Boyd to volunteer if you are interested in
2006's Constitution Committee.
Henry, K2BFY, has contacted the owner of the N4FSC repeater
and has permission to use that machine for a CW net on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.
beginning 3/29.
New Business
Larry, K3HE, encouraged attendance at the National Guard
Open House at the Armory, past
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol L. Boehler, KF4TJJ