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LARG Monthly Meeting March 16, 2002 |
The March 16, 2002 meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group was held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Leesburg. In the absence of President Mark Gillam, N3GMW, and Vice President Larry McCaig, KC1YC, (both were en route to starting locations for the VA QSO Party), Treasurer Tom Gerasic, NA4MA, called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance Tom welcomed all to the meeting and asked visitors to introduce themselves. By the end of the meeting 27 visitors and members were in attendance. Minutes from the February 16, 2002 meeting were read and approved with one minor correction. I thank Angi Gerasic, KG4AVR, for recording procedings from that meeting in my absence. Tom, NA4MA, reported on the healthy status of the LARG treasury. With recent dues payments and ARRL rebates, total assets as of mid-March were in excess of $2000. Just over $1000 is in a Certificate of Deposit. Balloon allocation was $415. The treasurer's report was approved as presented. Committee Reports Reporting for the Emergency Services Committee, Loudoun ARES emergency coordinator Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, asked all interested in ARES to e-mail him ([email protected]) with capabilities and contact information. Tom, WB3AKD, also presented the Balloon Committee progress report. He and John Rehwinkel, KG4L, have been working on payload for a possible April 20th launch. Weekly on air meetings (147.480) will be held Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. If for any reason launch is postponed, there will be a regular 3rd Saturday LARG meeting on that date (4/20/02) again at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. For the Contest Committee John Unger, W4AU, asked all members to have their VA QSO logs, signed summary sheets and a dollar to help defray printing and mailing costs to him by April 7th so they can be to SPARC by the 4/15 deadline. Tom, NA4MA, displayed the 1st place Club plaque earned by LARG in 2001. A LARG Voice QSO Party was planned for after the meeting to get all ready for the big contest to begin that afternoon-1800 UTC. John, W4AU, also reported as Field Day 2002 committee chairman. With John, Charlie Preston, K4LJH, and Gary Quinn, NC4S now form the nucleus of this committee. No site had yet been chosen for this June 23-24 event. The Public Service Committee is still without a chairperson. Tom, NA4MA, noted that this year's Red Cross/Reston Bike Ride is August 25th. Repeater Committee chairman Dave Putman, KG4KZZ, was not in attendance since he, too, was travelling to a starting location for the VA QSO Party. Training Committee chairman Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, had asked it be announced that the syllabus for the General/Extra classes is posted on the club web-site. The course, held at Leesburg's Balch Library from 7-9 p.m., begins Thursday March 21st and continues for five to eight weeks. Instructors are still welcome. Web master Norm Styer, AI2C, hopes all have gleaned as much info as needed from the web-site to be abundantly successful in this weekends VA QSO Party. Other Business Temp Titus, W4HZV, invited all interested in looking at materials he is disposing of before he moves to talk to him soon. He had several articles in his truck bed to be looked at following the meeting. Joe Sheinman, W2BHK, encouraged people to join him March 24th at 1:00 p.m. at the Sterling Park Regional Library at a public meeting with U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf. Joe is very concerned about HOA's restrictive covenants limiting amateur radio antennas and/or towers and the seemingly passive ARRL stand. He would like to see something done on a club basis for this increasing problem. After some discussion, a motion was approved to appoint Joe to work with the ARRL in addressing this issue. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |