LARG Monthly Meeting
June 19, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. EST by LARG Treasurer Dodson, AJ4EY. There were 31 attendees present. Please double-click here for the attendance roster.

Since the May meeting was not an "official" business meeting due to having only one officer present, the April meeting minutes could not be approved and were approved as posted. Please double-click here for the attendance at the May 2010 meeting..

The Secretary, Dodson, AJ4EY, called for a volunteer to take minutes for the May meeting, as he will be out of town. Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, volunteered to take the May meeting minutes.

Jeff, KE5APC, presented the posted treasurer report. The Treasurer's report was approved as presented/posted.

The following guests/new members were present:

Ethan Brinkman, Ryan Rodriguez - KJ4VTJ, and Joanna Tumidajewicz - KJ4VHV

Committee Reports

YL: Carol, KF4TJJ indicated there was no activity currently.

Public Relations: Dodson, AJ4EY, presented information for Jay Ives, KI4TXP, who could not attend, on the October Leesburg Air Port Open House Air Show. The date for this event is October 23, 2010 with a rain date being the following day. The basic plan would have approximately 20 Amateurs in support. The hours, which have not been set, are expected to be something like 0700 (0800) to the end of the day, 1500 (1600). The times will be finalized sometime in July or August. There will be a need for a Net Control Station on site (which will be close to the main entrance) as well as operators at various locations (2 Buses and offsite parking as well) at the airport and potentially some shadow support. It may be desirable to get a special event call for that day. We would probably use Simplex with the WX4TXE Repeater as back up.

Interference: Paul, N4PD reported that there were no interference issues to report.

Legislation Affairs: Rick, AI1V indicated there was no activity.

Repeater Status:

Dulles Repeater (145.310 MHz - W4DLS Repeater): Frank Gentges, K0BRA, briefed that the repeater is now fully operational. He also briefed the repairs that were carried out to return it to full service.

Leesburg Repeater (146.700 MHz - WA4TXE Repeater): Dave Boltson, WA4TXE, reported on the status of the 146.700 repeater. The automated weather alert feature has be added, so weather alerts will be relayed by the repeater.

Field Day: Covered after the meeting.

Old Business
: None brought forward. New Business

Rick, AI1V, called for a motion to have the LARG support the Reston Bike Ride this year. The Reston Bicycle Club was looking for a commitment by LARG to support. The motion passed unanimously.

Paul, N4PD, indicated he had type 2032 batteries for sale if someone needed one for their HT memory.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. EST.

After the formal close of the meeting, Doug, KJ4BRN the Field Day Chairman reviewed Field Day preparations and last minute planning for the event.

Respectfully submitted, Dodson B. Brown, AJ4EY, LARG Secretary


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.