LARG Monthly Meeting
June 20, 2009

The Meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM by President Rick Miller AI1V.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as posted.

The Treasurer's report was presented and accepted.

Committee Reports

Public Service – Gary NC4S

Gary asked for people to sign up for the Reston Bike Ride which will be in August.


Rick AI1V, reported on the demonstration at the Mountain View Elementary School. He thanked Grant KB3EMT and Jay KI4TXP for their help. A great time was had by all with some students making radio contact with KI4TXP.

A Tech Class is scheduled for September the date has to be selected.

Interference – Paul N4PD

The interference on the Leesburg machine 146.700 is being worked on by Dave WA4TXE.

Web Site – Norm AI2C

Norm has been busy with the constant updates for Field Day.

Program - Jay KI4TXP

The programs for July will be Randy, W4XJ, about Skywarn.

The August program will be Jeff Fletcher from the Office of Emergency Management for Loudoun County.

Field Day - Jeff KE5APC

Luther K5NOB still had some T shirts left.

Rick AI1V and John WB5ODJ were working on the IT part of the event.

Jay KI4UTB Volunteered as the Food Captain. He stated that Mary Preston has most of the items for this year and that he was going to pick them up.

A grill will be set up.

Saturday evening 5:30 PM will be the Pot Luck dinner and Sunday 6:00 AM will be the breakfast.

John Westerman KB5ODJ will be posting a map of his property showing where to park, wet spots and septic tank location. He also suggested wearing long pants and long sleeves shirts because of the bug problem. Use of bug spray is highly recommended.

The use of hand cleaners was requested by all radio owners before using the radios.

The tower trailer will be delivered on Thursday.

When dealing with the scouts make sure there are two or more at a time and when taking pictures of them avoid face shots.

Bill K8SYH has assumed the Captain position for 40 CW.

After the meeting all the CW people will have a meeting to make sure all is well and to help Bill acquire equipment for the station.

Old Business

Jay, KI4UTB, is still working on a meeting at the retirement home.

A Memo of Understanding is still to be worked out with the VFW.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 AM.

Respectively Submitted, Jay Ives KI4TXP


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.