LARG Monthly Meeting
July 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order by LARG President Luther Guise, K5NOB. 32 attendees were present:

1. John Unger, W4AU
2. Bill Fenn, N4TS
3. Frank Gentges, K0BRA
4. Luther Guise, K5NOB
5. Gene May, WB8WKU
6. Chris Fristad, KT9N
7. Dave Putman, KE4S
8. Jay R. Greeley, KI4UTB
9. Andy Shank, KK4CJJ
10. Gary Quinn, NC4S
11. Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH
12. Dodson Brown, AJ4EY
13. Marcia Brown, KJ4GYH
14. Denny Boehler, KJ4TJI
15. Jim Stowers, K4FW
16. Norm Styer, AI2C
17. Jeff Crawford, K0ZR
18. Bill Buchholz, K8SYH
19. Bryan Stephens, KG4UPR
20. Ken Sullivan, KJ4GYL
21. Anne Hocker, Visitor
22. Eric Carlson, AJ4LN
23. Carol Boehler, KF4TJJ
24. Bob Rodriguez, KJ4NXG
25. John Shell, K3US
26. Jeff Slusher, KE5APC
27. David Boltson, WA4TXE
28. Paul Dluehosh, N4PD
29. Steve Greene, KS1G
30. David Wendland, KE4OKY
31. Charles Nelson, KG4KZY
32. Henry Weidman, K2BFY

The following new guests/new members were recognized:

Andy Shank KK4CJJ
Anne Hocker


The Berryville Hamfest is scheduled August 7th 2011.

The Leesburg Fire Department is planning a Hamfest (per Bill KJ4VTH).

LARG calendars are available for purchase (per Denny KF4TJI).

Minutes from the June 2011 meeting were approved without change.

Jeff KE5APC presented the Treasurer's report. The Treasurer's report was approved as presented.



Jay KI4UTB announced a Technician level licensing course planned for the third weekend of September. Location TBD, since VFW is booked (alternatives are the library or a classroom at Weichert Realty). Attendance is open to all. The license exam pass rate is very high for those who complete the course. Instructors are needed.


John W4AU discussed the CW Ops 1-hour practice events and the CQ Worldwide VHF Contest.


Norm AI2C provided an update on an LARG sponsored award "The Chase - Hunt Loudoun" to recognize contacts made with Loudoun County amateur operators (there are 650+ amateurs residing in Loudoun County). Norm referred the group to an informational display offering details of the award specifics.


According to a QST article, the FCC recently fined the company offering Recon Robot (per Bill KJ4VTH).


Luther K5NOB indicated a pre-submission review of the FD 2011 packet would be conducted after the meeting.


Carol KF4TJJ reported that several LARG members plan to attend the YL convention in Boston next week.


Bryan KG4UPR reported that upcoming programs include a HAARP presentation (ionospheric research in Alaska). Frank K0BRA and Bill N4TS will present a program about Software Defined Radio (SDR) following the meeting.


2m Luther K5NOB, going well.

Digi Bryan KG4UPR, 2-3 participants most Sunday's.

CW Bill K4SYH, new check-in KG4UPR, net will slow down for newcomers.

HF Norm, good participation, suggests club originated bulletin to be sent over nets, practice toward traffic handing, bulletin in standard format YL NCS is open for the July 25th YL Net due to convention.


310 Frank K0BRA, working, still troubleshooting receive sensitivity issue.

700 Dave WA4TXE, experimenting with 145.17 for western coverage.


Luther K5NOB obtained preliminary pricing for LARG patches $1.47/ea for quantity of 100 (+$14.50 shipping), 3" full color w/logo, a motion authorizing purchase of 200 was passed.


Gary NC4S is coordinating LARG support for the Reston Bike Ride on Sunday, 8/21 6am-5pm. Need SAG riders, NCS operators, and site operators. Net Control will be located at John Westerman's farm. Station Captains include John W4AU (Hamilton) and Luther K5NOB (Ashburn). Coverage is needed for the Reston station, since Rick AI1V plans to serve as a SAG rider.

Luther K5NOB received the club insurance policy, and will provide to Doug KJ4BRN for filing.

Guest Anne Hocker presented her requirement to practice falcon retrieval by conducting a radio fox hunt. Anne is seeking interested volunteers to assist. Anne displayed a variety of radio components and antennas designed to track and locate falcons. Denny KF4TJI will assist Anne toward organizing a potential fox hunt.

Bob KJ4NXG inquired about upcoming Sky Warn training, but apparently no nearby training is scheduled near-term.

Dave WA4TXE raised the possibility of initiating a secondary Sky Warn net on the 700 repeater during bad weather to offer more localized coverage than the 300 repeater (Bluemont).

Ken KJ4GYL displayed a sample emergency vest that can be customized with logos (basic price $35/ea.

Norm AI2C reported that a team will be operating HF soon from the new county of South Sudan.

Meeting Adjourned.


Bryan Stephens KG4UPR
for Doug Johnson KJ4BRN
LARG Secretary


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled - this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.