LARG Monthly Meeting
January 16, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:36 EST by President Rick, AI1V. After leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, he asked any visitors to introduce themselves. Our one visitor, new to Northern VA from the VE3 area, was Mat, KK1C. There were 32 in attendance at the meeting.

Minutes from the November meeting as posted and corrected on the web-site were approved.

Jeff, KE5APC, presented his Treasurer's report, soon to be posted to the web-site, which included additions and deductions for December's Holiday Dinner. The report was approved as presented.

Committee Reports

Vice President Jay, KI4TXP, reported for Public Service that 20 LARGers helped with communications for First Night Leesburg (12/31/09). In addition to his thanks, LARG received a letter of gratitude from the sponsoring Bluemont organization.

Contest guru John, W4AU, encouraged participation in the weekend's NA phone contest. Rules, exchange and other info on this and more contests can be found at

Webmaster Norm, AI2C, reported that he has posted a full spread on the balloon event. He needs pictures and data from the Lovettesville Oktoberfest and First Night Leesburg.

For Legislative Affairs, Norm also noted that three pending bills on cell phone use all exempt two-way radio use. This is to cover police and other emergency communications. The consensus for hams seems to be to keep a low profile and watch what may be happening in the legislature.

Jay, KI4TXP, suggested that since Riley Hollingsworth is scheduled to present the program in April, LARG dispense with the business meeting that day. He will look into getting the Leesburg VFW Hall, which affords more space than Holy Trinity, and into inviting other area clubs' members to the program.

Old Business

Dave, KE4S, made a motion to donate $200 to the Leesburg VFW as LARG's thanks for use of the facility for training sessions held there this past year. The motion was approved. This was deferred from 11/09.

Dodson, AJ4EY, brought a few items that had been left at the Holiday Dinner site.

New Business

Gary, AI4IN, asked for direction on rescheduling the digital watering hole net which has been meeting on Tuesday evenings. It was agreed to try Sundays, one half hour before the 2-meter LARG phone net.

Rick, AI1V, received a request from a Fairfax County Tiger Den interested in ham radio, especially Morse code. Steve, KS1G with help from Doug, KJ4BRN, and others will take the lead on this. They may want help and participation with the Scouts' Jamboree-on-the –Air (the 3rd weekend in October).

Mat, KK1C, asked for info on an HDX tower. Dave, KE4S, who has an HTX, said he would talk to Mat after the meeting. Technical help such as this is often exchanged on the LARG reflector.

Denny, KF4TJI, announced that he has 2010 LARG calendars for sale for the club.

Carol, KF4TJJ, made a motion to donate $200 to Holy Trinity for use of the building for club meetings this past year. Jeff's records showed no payment last year. The motion was approved.

Henry, K2BFY, made an award presentation for correctly answering his question posted on the reflector about which 2 meter repeater frequency could have either a positive or negative off-set.

Frank, K0BRA, donated an AM commercial transmitter to a group in Boston to be picked up from his home 1/23/10. He asked for several people to help with this and for a trailer and/or winch(es) to transport it from his basement up through his yard to the street. Helpers talk after the meeting; see details on the reflector.

Dave, KE4S, noted that Frostfest (in Richmond) is the first weekend in February.

Norm, AI2C, advised anyone planning to attend the Dayton Hamvention in May to check the ARRL website soon for dinner tickets. These go fast.

Jeff, KE5APC, reported that his Echolink station is back on the air.

The Nominating Committee (Paul, N4PD; Norm,AI2C; and Dave, KE4S) distributed ballots for the slate of 2010 officers. There were no nominations from the floor. After a few minutes for marking and counting of ballots, Paul reported unanimous election for LARG's 2010 officers:

President – Jay, KI4TXP
Vice President – Luther, K5NOB
Treasurer – Jeff, KE5APC
Secretary – Dodson, AJ4EY.

Adulations were expressed to these new officers and to out-going President Rick, AI1V.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, KF4TJJ, Acting Secretary

Following the meeting, Contest Committee Chairman John, W4AU, presented a program on the VA QSO Party and LARG's participation in it. Sponsored by the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC), this contest is the third weekend in March. See rules on SPARC's website.

LARG made a concerted effort about ten years ago to do well in this event and has increased interest throughout the state by their efforts. In addition to certificates awarded to all participants, plaques for top scorers in several categories have been won by a number of LARG members and the club as a whole.

John encouraged as many as can to participate this year. Check out the trade secrets on the "for members only" section of LARG's web-site and start setting your goals now. Fine business, John.


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.