LARG Monthly Meeting
February 18, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 8:36 a.m. by LARG Vice-President Bryan Stephens, KG4UPR.

We had two visitors:
Sven Duume, DF9MV
Mike, KK4ELF

The annual election was conducted by Paul Dluehosh, N4PD.

The 2012 LARG officers are:

President: Bryan Stephens, KG4UPR
Vice-President: Henry K2BFY
Treasurer: Denny Boehler, KF4TJI
Secretary: Norm Styer, AI2C

A raffle was conducted for a helicopter and Yaesu hat donated by Rick Miller, AI1V.



             Feb. 26 Winterfest in Annandale

             Mar. 10 and 11 in Charlotte, NC

N2DNA, Dwight Dopilka, who is running for Leesburg Town Council introduced himself and asked for consideration if you live in Leesburg.

Judy Wodynski, KK4GJW reported that Morven Park is celebrating Governor's Day, June 10.And, suggested that we could do a Special Event Station for activity.

Minutes from November 2011 were accepted as posted on K4LRG.ORG.

Treasures report accepted: Balance Jan: $2510 & Feb.: $2539

Committee Reports:

Public Service: None

Balloon: None

Training: Judy passed her Technician and Earl upgraded to General; congratulations!

Contesting: Gary, NC4S, reported that the VAQP has new hours of operation: March 17, Saturday 10am-10pm, Sunday 8am-8pm.

VAQP conflicts with meeting, maybe we could move to Friday night?

Norm suggested there were many conflicts with 3rd Saturday meeting, we should think about moving it. A committee will be appointed to make recommendations.

We will move meeting to Friday before VAQP if space is available.

ARRL DX contest this weekend.

LARG - CQ Worldwide DX Marathon
Formula 1: 10 w 1 Tower less than 65ft
Formula 2: 100w vertical or wire, low gain
Unlimited: Up to legal limits
Gary is offering a 10m SSB Plaque
Tom is offering a Formula 1 CW Plaque


Norm, AI2C is working on "The Hunt", 10 towns needed by zip code.


Lightsquared denied FCC license for terrestrial network.

Distracted driving legislation is working its way through the VA House of Delegates.

World Radio Conference approved a 500 kHz new amateur allocation.

: Nancy, N1NCY, no report.

Programs: WA4TXE Repeater

Nominations: Thanks to Paul and the committee for this year's officers nominations.

LARG Nets:

2m: Good turnout reported by Bryan, KG4UPR
HF: Good turnout reported by Norm, AI2C. He will have a full report next meeting.
CW: Record turnouts.
Digital: Hit or miss.
YL: Mostly Nancy and Marcy, everyone welcome.


145.31 MHz - Frank, K0BRA, reports that the receiver is working poorly. Frank, K0BRA and Rick, AI1V will visit the repeater.

146.700 MHz - Dave, WA4TXE, reports it is working well.

Old Business:

PO Box renewed. Norm, AI2C, will check box.

New Business:

FD is coming up.
VHF station has new coax cable is available.

January Fairfax INOVA communications test. 9 hospitals and Loudoun EOC activated and tested 2m and 440 frequencies.

A new radio is installed at hospital.

Tom, N4ZPT, conducted a point to point test will all stations and is compiling results.

Fairfax ARES is testing digital modes.

Messsge Handling Drills: Norm suggested that LARG send a monthly bulletin on various modes and have members copy it.

Denny, KF4TJI, has 2012 LARG Calendars for $5.00. All proceeds go to the LARG.

Nancy recommends that a Christmas Party Chairperson be appointed soon.

Meeting Adjourned 9:46 a.m.

Submitted, Doug Johnson, KJ4BRN, LARG Secretary


A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled - this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue.