Meeting was called to order at 8:30am by President Rick Miller, AI1V with XXX members present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Rick welcomed any new members and visitors.
The minutes were approved as posted on the website by the Secretary.
The Treasurer's report was given and approved.
Committee Reports
Public Service Committee – Gary, NC4S for Tom, WB3AKD
Gary, NC4S, offered thanks for the work on Inauguration day. A lot of preparation was made and, thankfully, no major incidents took place. VFW did a great job in providing a facility for us to use for the message center.
Also, a thank you to Daily Grind for the coffee and donuts provided for operations.
Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, indicated that the VFW has already voted to invite the club to become more involved in establishing Amateur Radio operations at the facility including a permanent antenna installation and station.
Balloon Committee – Gary, NC4S for Tom, WB3AKD
Gary reported that Rick, AI1V, is working on a new payload and we may be looking at a launch in the near future.
Contest Committee – Rick, AI1V for John, W4AU
The ARRL DX CW Contest is on this weekend. It is a great opportunity to work other countries.
Due to the contest, DX station K5D will only be operating SSB only this weekend due to the contest.
Website Report – Norm, AI2C
There has been lots of activity, posting information and materials from members.
Public Relations / Temporary Legislative Action Committee – Randy, W4XJ
A report was given to the club regarding activities undertaken to modify the bills in the state house and senate regarding the operation of radios in motor vehicles. Norm, AI2C, gave an overview of the bills that went through the process and the final bill prohibiting text messaging that is still active.
Randy, W4XJ, explained the role that LARG had in directly influencing the traction and modification of the initiatives in congress.
Training – Paul, N4PD
On behalf of Steve, KW4H, Paul updated the club on the General Class course scheduled for the end of March at the VFW hall. Information regarding the class is on the website.
Interference – Paul, N4PD
Paul reported that the ARRL has provided information on their website encouraging hams who are IEEE members should join the Standards Committee that vote on such initiatives as BPL.
Programs – Jay KI4TXP
The following programs have been tentatively scheduled.
• Today – Gordon Miller, NQ4K, QSO party chairman, presenting on the VA QSO Party.
• March – VA QSO Party contesting presentation – John W4AU.
• April – Jeff Fletcher, Deputy Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management.
• May – Rick, KR9D, on the Woodbridge Wireless 2008 VHF Contest.
• June – Field Day Update and information.
Jay indicated that we will try to schedule a SKYWARN presentation at some point in the near future as well.
New Business
Rick, AI1V reminded the club that we have been using the VFW hall a lot lately. In particular, during the Inauguration Day activation, which involved some really cold weather, we used a lot of fuel for the facility. A motion was made by Jay Greeley, KI4UTB, that $300 be given to the VFW for fuel and other costs related to our use of the building. The motion was seconded by Dave, KE4S and passed.
Repeater Activity – Dulles Amateur Radio Group
Randy, W4XJ gave an invitation to members of the LARG to join the Dulles Amateur Radio Group, which sponsors the 145.310 repeater. Since LARG uses this repeater on a regular basis, our membership in DARG will help sustain the continued use of the repeater.
Frank, K0BRA, told the club that the repeater seems to be back in operation without any real problems right now. A "new" GE repeater is currently being readied for use at the repeater site.
Legislative Action Committee
Rick Miller, AI1V, thanked the members of the temporary Legislative Action Committee for their activity regarding recent legislation. As president, he appointed the members of TLAC to become members of a new Legislative Action Committee, chaired by Randy, W4XJ.
Update on 146.700 – Dave, WA4TXE
Dave reported that he is attempting to get a western receive site for the repeater and we may get a receive site on the Purcellville water tower. We may also be able to activate a Tysons Corner receive site. A new Kenwood V71 will be installed in the Sterling receive site today. He also indicated how please he was that the repeater is getting so much more use. It has encouraged him to put more time working on upgrading what is there.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was entertained and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32am.
VA QSO Party Program
The meeting was turned over to Gordon Miller, NQ4K, president of the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club and chairman of the VA QSO Party for a presentation on the Virginia QSO Party 2009.
Respectfully submitted, Randy Sly, Secretary, Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
A reminder to all about Holy Trinity's inclement weather policy: if Loudoun County Schools are closed (or would be if it were a school day), all activities at the church are cancelled – this includes outside groups. This policy allows for parking lot clearing so snow is not packed down; and it is also a safety issue. |