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LARG Monthly Meeting February 18, 2006 |
The meeting was called
to order at 8:45am by LARG President Boyd,
N5CTI. There were 30 members present. (Secretary's note: There were more
people than this number present. Please be sure to sign in at each meeting.) The minutes for the
January 2006 meeting were read and approved as corrected. There was no
treasurer's report as Gary, NC4S,
was out of town. Committee Reports Training: Denny, KF4TJI New books were obtained for classes
which will begin on March 24. More information will be forthcoming. Volunteers
are needed for all areas of teaching. A handout is being produced to cover
the various areas of training available, including ideas for obtaining
Technician license through a mentors program. Emergency/Public Service: Tom WB3AKD A fox hunt is scheduled for April
15, right after the club meeting.New
equipment is being configured for balloon but no flights are currently being
considered before fall. ARES: RE-registration forms
were again distributed. Any further changes should be emailed to WB3AKD. At a February meeting
with county Emergency Management, plans were begun for a June exercise for
Loudoun County of which we will be a part of this event. The event is scheduled
June 14 from 9-3. Tentatively, our activities will include testing WiFi links
and shift change procedures. Another meeting is scheduled for March 13 from 7-9
Tom reminded the club
that FEMA training is recommended for all of us to be serious participants in
emergency communications. Most courses are taught during the week so he recommends
we use the online class opportunities. Special Saturday classes could be
scheduled if there is sufficient interest. Tom also reported on a broadband
WiFi application that is being planned. Such a system would allow us to carry
the traffic we need to support the work of the county in times of emergency. Also,
Roadstar donated 30 broken but not worthless 802.11b ether amps. RFI Committee: Mark, W3ZI Mark
reported about the two major issues currently going on in section: deliberate radio
interference with the Peter I DXpedition, 3Y0X, particularly on 80 meters, and
interference on the 147.300 Bluemont repeater. He also reminded us that the section
needs more OO's. Old Business Mark, W3ZI, updated the club on LCD projector project
we approved at the January meeting. Gary, NC4S, expressed interest in helping
to select one and others are welcome as well. Nothing has yet been purchased. Grant, KB3EMT, reported on progress concerning our
involvement to provide communications for local schools with the International
Space Station. Grant
indicated that Round Hill elementary school has expressed interest such an
activity. The application process takes some time as there are thousands of
schools applying. The Initial application has been filled out by the principle
which we will complete. Tom, WB3AKD, indicated that LARG is capable of providing
the equipment necessary to meet requirements for operation. Paul, K4MSG, commented that media attention is a
primary component for being accepted. Boyd, N5CTI, re-emphasized his commitment to fix the
problems in our constitution and by-laws. A new committee will be appointed
soon. The goal will be to gain strong consensus and then get as many members as
possible at the meeting, so we will have a quorum from which we can legally
make changes.. Henry, K2BFY, announced that the 2 meter CW net discussed
at the January meeting will, most likely, take place in conjunction with CW
training class beginning in March. The 2006 Virginia
QSO Party is scheduled for March 18, 19. Norm,
AI2C, Paul, N4PD, along with Denny
and Carol, KF4TJI/TJJ, presented practical information concerning
successful operations for this contest. LARG is again looking to compete
aggressively for club honors against our annual rival, the Central Virginia
Contest Club. Most of the major points discussed during this portion of the
meeting are found at the end of the minutes. A handout of important resources
was made available for members. New Business Ray, K4AJA, passed away a week ago. A moment of silence
was observed in his memory. Field Day We
need to start our planning very soon for Field Day this coming June 24-26. We
still need a volunteer for Field Day Chairman. As last year's Field Day
Chairman, Boyd commented that this is not as big a time drain as he thought it
would be, since many people step up to help in a variety of areas. In other business,
the club was reminded of the upcoming Frostfest
and Winterfest events and that anyone
interested in serving on the Constitution Committee should contact Boyd. Vice President Dave Putman, KE4S, also reported that
additional Sunday Night Net Controls needed and they should contact him to
volunteer. The next meeting of
the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group is scheduled for March 18. The meeting
adjourned at 10:40am. Respectfully
submitted, Randy, W4XJ,
Secretary Virginia QSO Party Comment
Summary General Comments: Norm, AI2C:
Most of
the info being presented can be found in the Member's Only Section of the
website under "Trade Secrets"
Want to
have a high number of members participate in QSO party this year.
have not changed since last year.
addition to LARG combined score, each operator should choose a category in
which to compete.
Park Amateur Radio Club, the sponsoring club for the QSO party, is trying to
get everyone to comply to Cabrillo format for log submission.
Final score
is based on QSO's and multipliers, which includes states, CA provinces, DX, plus
VA counties and independent cities.
Unger's propagation forecast and models can be found on our website.
80/40m will
normally be the busiest area of activity. Norm suggests we start on 40 and work
from there. General Comments: Paul, N4PD:
Techniques: Norm
Mobile Operation: Denny and Carole,
operation good for antenna restricted operators.
to different counties builds multipliers
club score to contact our operators from different counties
as a couple builds points by having more than one callsign that is operating.
Be sure
to say "mobile" and "the county" in your CQ.
suggested frequencies for operation into your rig.
Be sure
to have a detailed map of the areas.
logging may not be as easy in mobile operation, print logs may be easier but
need to have special areas for county operation. Denny's log sheet will be
posted on the web.
meter filter good for metropolitan area.
meter SSB calling freq. - 50.130 Expedition Category Operation: Bill, K4SYH