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LARG Monthly Meeting February 17, 2001 |
VP Mark Gillam, N3GMW, in the absence of the President, Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI, opened the February 17, 2001 meeting of LARG at the Leesburg Police Station at 8:30 a.m. with the Pledge of Alligance to the Flag. Mark welcomed the visitors to the meeting and thanked Norm, AI2C, for the ads about LARG in the local newspapers.
Mark read the January club meeting minutes in the absence of the secretary, Carol, KF4TJJ. The minutes were accepted as read.
Tom Garasic, NA4MA, read the Treasurer's Report and reported an opening balance of $1,118.25 and a closing balance of $1.242.25. He also said he would give a report on the status of dues-paying members at the next meeting.
BALLOON COMMITTEE - Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, balloon committee chairman, said that last month he had reported that he had submitted a proposal in a contest. He announced that his proposal had won a Linux processor. Our club is now one of one hundred finalists in the contest.
Tom said there would be a balloon Committee meeting Wed., 21 Feb from 6-8 p.m. at Purcellville Library to evaluate where we are with the still camera. He also reported that Larry, KC1YC, was providing technical support as the software lead in the next balloon launch.
CONTESTS - Norm, AI2C, reported for John, W4AU, chairman of the contest committee, that the Virginia QSO Party will be held March 17-19 on phone &/or CW. Rules are attached to the newsletter and are on the web site. New this year: the 2 meter frequency is 146.58 MHz. Also new is the procedure of sending only a serial number and a county if operating in VA. John will submit a club entry for the Virginia QSO Party, so submit all logs to him. Norm passed around a sign-up sheet for projected operating times in the Virginia QSO Party.
Gary, NC4S presented prizes to the winners of the Year 2000 club contest:
-3rd Norm, AI2C, -- MFJ Speaker
ARES - Eric, KD5CTJ, reported attending a digital services meeting in Harrisonburg where they talked about bringing advances in technology to amateur radio.
FIELD DAY - Chairman Gary, NC4S, announced captains of the various committees:
Power - Tom NA4MA; Computer - John, W4AU; Mark, N3GMW; Paul, N4PD;
Station Captains: #1 (shed) - Norm, AI2C; #2 - Gary, NC4S; #3 - John; W4AU;
#4 - Mark G.; #5 - Bill, K8SYH; and vhf/uhf - Tom, WB3AKD;
Sign-up - Gary, NC4S, & John, W4AU; Pin chairman - Larry, KG4CGR;
Bonus points - Mark, N3GMW Publicity (to public & media) - Norm, AI2C;
Originate and relay messages (up to 10 plus section mgr) - Eric, KD5CTJ;
Field day message copy - Paul, N4PD; Invite an official of a public agency served by ARES or an elected government official to view the F. D. site additional points. - ???;
Band plan - made up at field day meetings and available on the web site.
LARG February 17, 2001 Meeting Minutes - page 2/2
Nominating committee disbanded for this year.
Public service committee - looking for volunteer to head up. Someone is needed to run events such as First Night Leesburg and the bike run.
Training Committee - Bill Buckolz, K8SYH, reported plans to hold an April-May General Class; more will be announced at the next meeting.
Web Site - Norm, AI2C
NEW BUSINESS -Next meeting will be at the Purcellville Methodist Church on March 17th. -VA QSO Party is coming up. -ARRL dx contest is this weekend. -Eric, KD5CTJ, announced that packet tutorial for ARES is on the ARES website. Eric presented a slide presentation of basic packet information at the last ARES meeting. -Norm, AI2C, reported that Trenton completed his Radio Merit badge by having a slow speed qso with Paul, N4PD. Trenton was at AI2C's station. -A slow speed cw net will be held on 28.050 MHz, 8pm Tuesdays. Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted,
Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |