LARG Monthly Meeting
April 21, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Dave Putman, KE4S, at 8:46 am with 39 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


New members, those who have been away for awhile, and visitors were recognized, including: John Ives, KI4TXP; Vic Carter, KB9WXV; Sean Sheedy, AI4ID; and Craig Brown, N4FSC, the original owner/builder of the 145.310 repeater.


The Secretary's minutes were accepted as published.


The Treasurer's report was received and accepted.


Committee Reports


Training - We still need a training committee chairman for this year. Dave mentioned that we received a phone call from a mother looking for training for her son.


Contests - The Virginia QSO party had a lot of participation from L.A.R.G. members. The Florida QSO party is next weekend.


Interference - John Unger, W4AU, mentioned that they have been experiencing some interference on 147.480 in the Hamilton area. Also the intentional interference on 147.300 was discussed. Seemingly, the operator had been found.


Emergency/Public Service and Balloon Committees - Tom, WB3AKD, reminded everyone of the upcoming Dulles Drill. An "All-Hands" meeting for operators participating will take place at the Cascades Library at 7:00pm on April 30. More operators are still needed for the event.

Also, April 26, Loudoun Emergency Management will participate in the Vertex 2007 Hurricane Exercise and operators will be needed at the EOC. Help with antennas that morning would also be appreciated.


Field Day 2007 - Chairman Jeff Slusher gave the following update:

-         Banshee Reeks is again our site for FD07. A site visit is planned for May 19 after the club meeting.

-         Station captains have begun recruiting operators and slots are beginning to fill up.

-         There is plenty of room for everyone to be involved.


Conversation led to more discussion about youth involvement in Field Day as well as Amateur Radio in general. Meg, AI4UX, is going to be investigating possible Scout classes for merit badges, etc.



New Business


Dave, KE4S, announced that the May meeting will be on contesting. This will help prepare the club for the upcoming Field Day. Discussion was given to the possibility of taping the program for those who will be at Dayton that weekend.




The April program was "Show and Tell." Henry, K2BFY, shared several "tin kits" which he had homebrewed using Altoids tins and similar enclosures. Sean, AI4ID, gave the club an update on Tiny Trac 4, which he has been working on with the developer. Gary, AI4IN, demonstrated software defined radios.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:06am.


Respectfully submitted,


Randy Sly