LARG Club Meeting Minutes
for April 16, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. on Saturday, April 16, 2005, by President Carol - KF4TJJ, who then lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance with 38 people in attendance.

Visitors and new members were recognized and welcomed by the club. Norm - AI2C and John - N4AJR introduced their sons. Walt - KI4IIT introduced several visiting Boy Scouts interested in getting their Technician Licenses.

New member Grant - KB3EMT introduced himself.

The March 2005 minutes were read by Secretary David - K4ARP and approved.

The Treasurer's report was read by Gary - NC4S and approved as presented.


Field Day 2005 - June 25 & 26: Tom - NA4MA confirmed that Banshee Reeks was available for Field Day 2005. Boyd - N5CTI (Field Day Captain) said that he would confirm the status of the Field Day Captains this coming week and schedule a planning meeting. Norm - AI2C volunteered to be a Station Captain. Charlie - K4LJH confirmed chairing the food committee. Boyd reminded us to keep all relevant receipts for the event and submit to the club for reimbursement. The antenna/station setup will start not before 1400hrs local time on Friday and members should try to get to the site around 1600hrs. A list was started to order T-Shirts and Pins. There was discussion on how many stations would be operated this year. The general consensus was to operate 5 HF stations plus 1 VHF/UHF, as per last year. During the March meeting, John - N4AJR had expressed interest in captaining a GOTA Station. The general consensus was that all our stations were available for GOTA and we need to look at the cost/benefit of putting up another station with regard to manpower, etc… Norm - AI2C rose and stated that we must beat last years score.

Training: Denny - KF4TJI said that some people have expressed interest in both the Technician and General classes. Please contact either Denny, or Carol as to which class you may be interested in as he will be ready to start in a couple of weeks. BA may have a group of 10-30 from the Venture Crew interested in the technician class. She suggested that our Boy Scout visitors join the Venture Crew and attend the training. Gary - NC4S asked how many people are needed to start a class and where the classes would be held. Walt - KI4IIT offered the possibility of hold the classes at his home. BA suggested working through the local Scouting group to find a location; John - N4AJR will ask. David - K4ARP suggested to the group that if they had any old radios sitting on the shelf that they loan them to the new students.

Contests: Norm - AI2C said the 22 logs totally 694,000 plus points were check for the VA QSO Party. This was better than last years score of 400,000 plus. He needed missing information from several members and asked them to check with him. Paul - N4PD asked Dick - W2YE if he would still accept logs and Dick said that he would through the weekend.


Norm - AI2C asked for editorials, club history, meeting minutes, etc... to post on the web site He also asked members to check the e-mail bounce list.

Carol - KF4TJJ stated that the club will not support the Senior Expo this year. Tom - WB3AKD Said the he did get an e-mail from the EOC during the last weather event, but the EOC was not activated. Also, the balloon may be ready for another launch in July. He brought extra past event shirts to anyone to take.

Boyd - N5CTI furthered the discussion on Life & Honorary Memberships in the club. Life Member would be for be for someone whom has paid a sum of money to/for the club and therefore pays no further dues and retains voting rights. Honorary Members don't pay dues and would have no voting rights. Dave - KE4S asked if we had any Life members to date. Gary - NC4S said that there is a member, not present, that has donated a significant amount of money to the club and wanted to know how to account for this on the books year to year. It was also mentioned, that the donator of the club tower was not a member and it would be nice to honor this individual in some way.

Carol - KF4TJJ reminded the group of the upcoming Potomac Safety Day May 15th between 1:00pm and 3:00pm. The event will be held at the Tolbert Elementary School. Club members will setup a tent with various radio and antenna demonstrations. Dave - KE4S will setup an APRS demonstration. Bill - WF1L will bring old QSTs for handouts. Tom - NA4MA asked who had the club display and if we were going to use it. Allon - KE4FYL said he has the display and will bring it, but can no longer store it. Tamara - KI4IIS volunteered to store the display.


Carol - KF4TJJ asked if anyone knew the story of how and when the club got started. Gary - NC4S reviewed how the club got its start about 12 years ago, with around 30 members in Purcellville. Carol - KF4TJJ made the suggestion that history of the club be researched, written down and published on the club web site. Bill - WF1L volunteered to chair the History Committee with Gary - NC4S's help.

Boyd - N5CTI brought up the upcoming MS 150K Bike Tour. The organizers are looking for amateur volunteers. Contact either Boyd, or Bo Pierce - N4VEC at [email protected] Cell: 703- 855-1656. The organizers are asking the SAG vehicles to have APRS. Dave - KE4S advised that there is a new path for APRS mobiles, contact Dave for the information. Boyd - N5CTI commented on his past experience using APRS bike-mobile in events. He noted that you need a better antenna and signal for the APRS than voice. Steve - KB2CEV noted that this year's event is to be within Loudoun County with an expected 1,500 to 2,000 riders. Carol - KF4TJJ advised of the possibility of carpooling to the Raleigh, NC hamfest on June 5th for the VA QSO Party award presentations.

Carol - KF4TJJ reviewed an e-mail from Bill - WF1L on H.R. 691, the Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act of 2005 and how to support this bill through our congressman. Norm - AI2C made a motion that the interference committee discuss the issue and have the club secretary draft a letter for review at the next meeting. Tom - WB3AKD suggested an amendment to the motion to have the draft letter distributed for review one week prior to the May meeting.

Dick - W2YE brought up the bill H.R. 1183 currently in Congress to force the US Fish and Wildlife Service to allow public access to Navassa and Desecheo islands, which are islands near Puerto Rico. Public access has been denied for over a decade, despite many, many requests for permits by amateur radio groups. Due to ARRL's DXCC rules these count as separate DXCC entities, and are known by their amateur prefixes of KP1 and KP5. According to DX magazine, they are now the 7th and 8th most needed countries in the list of 335. All amateurs are asked to support this bill by writing your congressman.

John - N4AJR will be setting up a special event call station in associate with the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club's Almost Heaven Star Party event at the Spruce Knob Observatory June 2nd through 5th. The observatory is concerned about light pollution as is the amateur group concerned about spectrum interference. Astronomers and amateurs are getting sharing ideas on how to protect their spectrums. Norm - AI2C asked if they had permission to operate the station, as the observatory is in a radio quite zone. Walt - KI4IIT said that they did get permission for the station operation. There is a $50 registration fee, camping is available and tours will be given of the telescope. Special event QSL cards will be provided. John - N4AJR is looking for support of this event, contact him for details.

BA reported that the Explorer Clubs (Scouts) has been replaced by Venture Crews. She spoke with the Goose Creek Crew and they are very interested in starting a Ham Radio Venture Crew. Bill - K8SYH has volunteered to be the first Ham Radio Crew Advisor. BA will get a flyer together for the next meeting and is looking for members that know kids that would like to join.

Larry - K3HE made a motion that the club presents a certificate of appreciation to N4FSC for the use of his repeater for the club's Sunday Night Net. The motion was passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 am.

Respectfully submitted

David T. Mullins - K4ARP, Secretary LARG