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LARG Monthly Meeting April 20, 2002 |
The April 2002 meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, held 4/20 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Leesburg, was called to order by President Mark Gillam, N3GMW, at 8:40 a.m. After welcoming the 29 members and visitors there, Mark led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the March meeting were approved as read. Also approved as presented was the report of Treasurer Tom Garasic, NA4MA. Expenditures for the month included Post Office Box rental, stamps and $40 for a club sponsored plaque for the 2002 Virginia QSO Party. Among general announcements Mark recognized new ham Joyce Ozelius (McCaig), KG4SHO, and upgrades to General class for Carol Boehler, KF4TJJ, and Gloria Borgrink, KE4JEH. He also noted dates for upcoming ham fests: including at Manassas on 6/2 and in Frederick, MD on 6/17. Denny Boehler, KF4TJI, requested all present to review and make needed corrections to the roster (being circulated) for updates to the website. Some problems in printing the roster were noted. Committee Reports Emergency Services - Talk to Erik Werner, KD5CTJ, regarding opportunities for leading traffic nets. Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, Loudoun ARES Coordinator, requests that any information sent to him about emergency capabilities and activities include ARES in the subject ([email protected]). Balloon - Tom, WB3AKD, noted that all interested in the fox hunt after today's meeting would hear the signal on 145.650 FM on a line somewhat north of west from Purcellville. LARG's next balloon launch is scheduled for 7/20/02. A launch crew coordinator is needed. Contest - John Unger, W4AU, thanked all who participated in 2002's VA QSO Party. Our club submitted 26 logs with claimed scores totaling 910,000 points, almost 50,000 more than for 2001. Field Day - John, W4AU, reported that LARG's operations for this 6/23-24/02 activity will be located on the Lovettsville farm of member Bob Oliphant, KF4VBM. Repeater - Dave Putman, KG4KZZ, had no activity to report. Training - Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, is pleased with the response for classes. The syllabus is posted on the website. Web site - Norm Styer, AI2C, encouraged checking in often. Contact him if you have problems now that fast nav. is in operation. John, W4AU, asked anyone getting the newsletter off the web site to let him know so that a snail mail copy would not need to be sent as well. CW - Norm, AI2C, reported that this group is working on a CW resolution. New Business There was a brief discussion about a recent Times Mirror report on antenna height and setback regulations. County zoning and planning focus groups seem to be lumping all communication towers together. County regs must be in compliance with the state regarding allowable acces-sories for amateur radio operation. Amateur radio and telecommunications are not the same. Prior to a presentation on Amateur Radio's future and DX Secrets by John Kanode, N4MM, a for-mer ARRL vice president, and leaving for the fox hunt, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |