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LARG Monthly Meeting April 21, 2001 |
The April meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group (LARG) held at the Leesburg Public Safety Building was called to order by President Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI, at 8:45 a.m. All were welcomed to the meeting which began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary's minutes of the March meeting were approved as presented. In the absence of Treasurer Tom Garasic, NA4MA, Erik Werner, KD5CTJ, presented the treasurer's report; no changes were reported from the previous month. Balloon Committee chairman Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, gave notice of a committee meeting for next week to revisit the scheduled 6/2/2001 launch date. A fox hunt is planned following today's meeting using the transmitter payload (on 145.65 MHz). It is more than six miles away; so after the meeting head to high ground to locate the signal.
The launch will carry two payloads: the first, transmitting telemetry and the second , carrying a still camera timed to take a series of pictures. John Rehwinkel, KG4L, is working on timing mechanisms for the "Sky Eye" prepared by Bob Bee, W4POF. Bob then demonstrated the camera package. Denny and John Unger, W4AU, thanked all club members who participated in the VA QSO Party in March. John submitted 26 logs to SPARC (representing 24 club members; two had worked both fixed and mobile) for a total of over 848,500 points. Results will be announced at the Manassas Hamfest on 6/3/01. There was some discussion of impact of the Russian DX contest that weekend and of the limitations of computer logging programs for VAQP. LARG Vice-president Mark Gillam, N3GMW, encouraged sign up for operating times for the one UHF/VHF and five HF stations for Field Day 2001 (6/23 & 24). Six times twenty-four provides a lot of operator-hour opportunities. There will be one air-conditioned station and Sunday morning breakfast will be provided for those who work through Saturday night. Denny repeated notice of the March of Dimes Walkathon on 4/29 and USTA's Trail ride near Middleburg on Saturday 5/26. Talk to him if you are interested in helping with communications. LARG will again help with the Reston Bike Club Ride in August (talk to Mark or Erik if you are interested in helping with this). Several members not here 4/21, are involved in radio demonstrations for a Boy Scout Camporee on the SE side of Beaverdam reservoir off Rte. 659 (on two meters at 146.580). LARG still needs a Public Service coordinator. Training coordinator Bill Buchholz, K8SYH, announced six Thursday night sessions (7:00-9:00 p.m.) in May and June at Thomas Balch Library for classes for General License exam preparation. Check the website for class syllabus. See Bill to sign up for the class. There were no other matters of Old Business to discuss. New Business Fred Atkinson, WB4AEJ, who recently moved from Gaithersburg to Leesburg, announced a special event station (N3S on 146.955) for Montgomery County MD's Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with the Rockville Science Fair on 4/29 from noon to 5:00 p.m. Paul Supan, WB4JCY, presented his recent experience with Loudoun County over his re-quest to put up a tower on his property. He is asking LARG to officially inform the County of FCC and VA regulations safeguarding amateur rights. Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, as local ARES coordinator will talk with county staff regarding these issues. John, W4AU and vice mayor of Hamilton, reported on negotiations between his town and a cell phone company wanting to install antennas on the town water tower. This may provide a site for a LARG repeater, probably on the 440 MHz band. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. Anyone hunting the fox was asked to leave it in place so that others might also find its location. Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |