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LARG Monthly Meeting April 15, 2000 |
The meeting was held at the Douglass Community Center (DCC) on East Market Street in Leesburg. President Ray Houff, K4AJA, began the meeting at 8:38 a.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Two visitors and 24 of our 46 paid members were in attendance. Paul Dluehosh, N4PD, introduced DCC's Don Stinette who is organizing the Antique Car Poker Run for 6/3/00. The route was presented and points for communication needs identified. We will not be tracking vehicle numbers but are to relay any need for assistance along the way. There is to be an official sweep vehicle for the event. The 18 LARG members volunteering to help were asked to meet in the parking lot following the meeting to then disburse to the various sta-tions to test communications. A question was raised about direction of traffic flow as a safety factor on Route 15 North and the road toward Lovettsville. Minutes of the 3/19/00 meeting were approved as presented. Tom Garasic, NA4MA, reported a current club account balance of $810.42 with $343 in the balloon fund. Thirty-three dollars is owed Tom for the purchase of postage stamps. The treasurer's report was approved. The proposed by-law changes submitted to members through the reflector by Norm Styer, AI2C, were approved: to allow for a Youth-Student Membership class and at an annual assessment rate of one dollar. Norm also reported on the Goose Creek District Camporee on 4/8/00 and a recent demo with the Round Hill/Hillsboro Cub Scout Pack #961. He thanked all who helped; descriptions and pictures will be posted on the web-site. Gary Quinn, NC4S, chairperson for LARG's year 2000 Field Day (6/24-25) noted that plans will be discussed at our May meeting. John Unger, W4AU, reported on site selection. He will be setting up a meeting with Sam Welch of Hamilton to see about use of the site for that community's new Public Safety Center. Paul, N4PD, reported on his contacts with Leesburg police personnel. A meeting will be scheduled soon between Administrative Chief Jeff VanGilder and several LARG members to open dialogue toward increasing LARG's participation in community assistance. Erik Werner, KD5CTJ, will talk to ARES personnel about borrowing the tape we viewed in January to share with Chief VanGilder. Denny Boehler, KF4TJI, asked members present to verify information on the club roster (in two parts) being sent around the room. He also handed out forms to those wishing to authorize info in addition to name, call and town for posting on the club web-site. Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, reported that the payload for the next balloon launch is not yet ready. He is hopeful for a launch in July or August. Watch and/or listen for balloon committee meeting dates or times at the Purcellville library. John, W4AU, disclosed LARG's year 2000 VA QSO Party "unofficial" results as 645,000 points (compared to 1999's score of 458,000 points)!! A motion was approved for $30 to go to SPARC, the sponsoring club for the VA QSO Party. Dennis, KF4TJI, will be reimbursed this amount that he delivered along with the club logs on Friday evening (4/14/00). Communications Talk to Erik, KD5CTJ, for information about the Northern Virginia Traffic Net. Erik also requested CW contacts in his planned trip to Spain in May (see reflector). Norm, AI2C, reported on current hot DX opportunities. Tom, NA4MA, read a letter of thanks for LARG's participation with Leesburg's First Night. Paul, N4PD, asked for feedback on DCC as a meeting site. We will meet here in May (5/20/00) and make a decision then about whether to continue here or return to the Leesburg Public Safety Building in future months. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol L. Boehler, NNNN |