The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
Outstanding Member For 2005

Dennis Boehler - KF4TJI

Awarded Annually for Individual Dedication, Singularly Valuable
and Innovative Contributions
to the Furtherance of the Goals and Ideals
of the
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Virginia.

      The Loudoun Amateur Radio Group hereby recognize the outstanding contributions of Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI of Leesburg, Virginia, past Vice President and past President, Publisher of the annual LARG Calendar, LARG Fox Hunt Attenuator Project Leader, Balloon Flight Tracker, Field Day Station Chief, 2005 Training Coordinator, and past instructor, for his excellent technical, superb organizational and unique leadership abilities. He is also recognized for his support and independent work on the club trailer and outstanding operations in the annual Virginia QSO Party, First Night Leesburg, Dulles Emergency Drill 2004, American Red Cross - Reston Century Rides, Loudoun Hospital Code Orange Drill 2005, Potomac Station Safety Day 2005, Hike For Hope 2004, and Hurricane Isabel 2003 Emergency. Signed by President, Carol Boehler, KF4TJJ, December 16, 2005.

Dennis Boehler - KF4TJI, the LARG OM of 2005. Photographed by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, Virginia.

Dennis Boehler, KF4TJI of Leesburg, Virginia
selected LARG Outstanding Member for 2005
at the Eight Annual Holiday Dinner on December 16, 2005 at Magnolias, Purcellville, Virginia.