The Radio Shack  - January 2005
Paul Bock - K4MSG of Hamilton, Virginia

Reported and photographed by Paul Bock - K4MSG

Click here for other articles by Paul posted to the LARG Internet Site

The K4MSG Radio Shack - January 2005. Photograph by Paul Bock - K4MSG

        Since my new VUCC Certificate is now hanging on the wall I took a couple more shots of the shack and stitched them together so as to show the whole "radio corner" and also a closeup of the rig.

The Rack at K4MSG. Photograph by Paul Bock - K4MSG.

      With 100-watt transmit capability on HF, 50 MHz and 432 MHz and 200-watt capability on 144 MHz. The 144 & 432 MHz power levels are thanks to the two amplifiers on the top shelf.I think that these photos show how far Amateur Radio technology has progressed in terms of how much capability can be situated in a relatively modest space.

        Happy New Year! Paul, K4MSG