.The Pilgrimage: Dayton 2010
May 14, 15 and 16, 2010 - Posted Here July 18, 2010
Photographed By Luther Guise - K5NOB and Norm Styer - AI2C. Reported By Norm Styer - AI2C

The Pilgrimage: The anticipation is high and it's a long ~450-mile drive
through West Virginia and across Ohio; finally, there are signs.

           Several Loudoun Amateur Radio Group members made the annual pilgrimage to Dayton this year. Some drove and then went on to other cities and events. Jim Stowers - K4FW flew out in his POA - Personally Owned Aircraft then went on to visit some college friends. John - W4AU drove with Gary - NC4S and Norm - AI2C as Shotguns. Nancy - N1NCY and Paul - N4PD, Sally - K4NOB and Luther - K5NOB, and Marcia - KJ4GYH and Dodson - AJ4EY were there. Maybe there were others. Oh, yes, our very good friend with the Propagation Xtal Ball, Lee Wical - KH6BZF attended. It was great to have another Eye-Ball QSO with Lee. Some stocked up on antenna and other small parts while others ordered up some big ticket items like a new Alpha. Of course, most made it to the Contest Dinner and the DX Dinner. Gary - NC4S and John - W4AU even won a few door prizes. This year, the DX Dinner's prize list topped $50,000. Everyone get lucky.

Sally Guise - K4NOB arriving at Hara Arena - Dayton

Sally Guise - K4NOB, Luther - K5NOB, Marcia - KJ4GYH and Dodson - AJ4EY

Norm - AI2C, Sally - K4NOB, Luther - K5NOB, Paul - N4PD and Nancy - N1NCY

Paul - N4PD and Nancy - N1NCY

The Great Tailgate

The Evening Contest Dinner

Norm  -   John   -   Gary

The King !!!

The 4U1ITU - 4U1UN QSL Bureau

The QSL Crew From The ITU Stations - 4U1ITU & 4U1UN

This was a nice surprise. A dedicated QSL Manager Crew from Geneva had all the logs for 4U1ITU in Geneva and 4U1UN, the United Nations Headquarter station in New York City. Both count as valid and separate DXCC counters. And, they were so nice to just take your callsign and make your QSL cards while you waited. One fellow did ask, "Do you really want them all printed?" You know the answer, "Yes, of course, all 24, please." I draw your attention to all those CW QSOs. This brings back some old memories of the time in the Spring of 1966, when Kay and I visited the ITU in Geneva and operated the 4U1ITU in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as Multi-Single. We had a ball with over 2000 QSOs and finished second or third in the World. I'll have to go look at the records. Anyway, I still remember being on 10-Meters on Saturday night at 11:00 PM local working "The States." Those were the day.

Human & Other Lightning Rod

The Balloon Flight

Just Clearing The Crowd

How About This One For Your Backyard?

The ARRL Kit Builders

Let Us Hope This Is Not Our Last One !!!

This was another great adventure. Seeing so many old friends, putting a face with an on-the-air callsign, walking the endless rows of stuff, wondering what that is or what they thought about displaying this or that, picking between the Contest, DX and Antenna Forums and not missing anything, the super DX and Contest Dinners, and finally finding the gadget you came for. It's all worthwhile. In January 2011, I'll make plans to attend Dayton again. It was nice riding with you all. Best Regards, Norm Styer - AI2C.