ARRL 2007 Field Day Logo. Used here in accordance with ARRL published policy. See : 'These logos (two versions of each offered below) may be used in club newsletters, flyers, or on club Web sites. Permission is required for any other use. To request permission to reproduce this work, send your name and contact information, along with a brief description of the intended use, to: ARRL Editorial and Production Manager, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; e-mail'

K4LRG 2007 ARRL Field Day
Another Fine Business Operation By The

Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
de Loudoun County,  Northern Virginia

Station #5 Captain:    Gary Quinn - NC4S  and  Bill Buchholz  - K8SYH


The dueling 40-Meters CW and 20-Meters CW ststions. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

The  Real   Dueling   Charlie   Whiskey   Guys
Front:  20-Meters CW With Gary Quinn - NC4S and Randy Sly - W4XJ
Back: 40-Meters CW With John Unger - W4AU and Jeff Crawford - KØZR

     Station #5 was on 20-Meters CW. They had a super setup with Gary Quinn's Ten-Tec Omni V, LARG's Mobile Tower and a homebrew 3-element yagi built by Gary. The log shows they were on 22 of the 24 clock hours. A very nice job by all:

       Gary Quinn - NC4S
       Bill Buchholz - K8SYH
       Randy Sly - W4XJ
       Paul Dluehosh - N4PD
       John Unger - W4AU

     20-Meters CW operators had a first class operating position and put 548 good QSOs in the log for an average of 25 QSOs per hour. This is down a little from 2006's 562 good QSOs and further down from 2005's 617. Huuummm, was it propagation or was it something else? Anyway, a very nice operation!

The LARG Mobile Tower and Gary Quinn's homebrew 3-element yagi for 20-Meters CW. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

Have Trailer - Have Tower - Have Yagi - Will Transmit
The Homebrew 3-Element Yagi By Gary Quinn - NC4S

The LARG Mobile Tower and Gary Quinn's homebrew 3-element yagi for 20-Meters CW. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

Dueling Antennas
Left: 40-Meters CW Delta Loop by John Unger - W4AU    Right: The LARG's Mobile Tower With Gary Quinn - NC4S's 3-Element Yagi

The Rates At Station #5  Station #5 started good and had 300 QSOs by midnight with the best hourly rate of 42 at 2200 hours local. This start was better than last year. Early Sunday morning the band opened a little earlier than last year but the numbers later in the morning could not match the 50 - 70 rates of last year. When the smoke cleared there were 548 good QSOs in the log.

Rate Chart for 20-Meters CW

Running Total Chart for 20-Meters CW.

Bill Buchholz - K8SYH

de Potomac Falls, VA.

Bill Buchholz - K8SYH of Potomac Falls, VA. on 20-Meters CW. Photograph by Norm Styer - AI2C de Clarkes Gap, VA.

Gary Quinn - NC4S

de Lovettsville, VA.

Gary Quinn - NC4S of Lovettsville, VA. on 20-Meters CW. Photograph by Paul Dluehosh - N4PD of Leesburg, VA.

Paul Dluehosh - N4PD

de Leesburg, VA.

Paul Dluehosh - N4PD of Leesburg, VA. Photograph by Denny Boehler of Leesburg, VA.

        A Site Guide for The LARG - K4LRG Field Day 2007 Report        Back To Front Page
Op Schedule
Org Chart Score


Friday Night Sep Up Station # 1
Station # 2 Station # 3 Station # 4 Station # 5 VHF - UHF Station SATCOM Station
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This report is written, edited and posted to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group's K4LRG.ORG Internet Site by Norm Styer - AI2C of Clarkes Gap, Virginia. For photographic credit place your cursor over a photograph. Non-profit use of this material is granted if the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group of Northern Virginia, its internet writers, photographers and publishers are credited. Best regards, Norm Styer - AI2C.