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Some DXers Got Their Start Contesting
And Some Contesters Got Their Start DXing

      In the very old days, stations tried to improve their performance with new antennas and equipment They tried talking to far away places to prove that their stations were better. And in those days, talking across the pond to Europe was a real test. So to improve their chances of making a contact, stations would schedule a test period during which all would listen for and transmit to far away stations. Thus was born the DXer and thus was born the Contester. In the very old days, the ARRL International DX Contest - notice DX and Contest together - was scheduled for two full weekends on CW and another two full weekends of Phone operation. Now that was the good old days.

      The most important aspect of DXing and Contesting is that it must be fun. Although we all compete at the same time; and seemingly, against each other. This part of the amateur radio hobby is truly an individual endeavor. Each year you try to do a little better. You find ways to improve your station, you find ways to improve your operating skills and you find ways to learn more about where you still have to go. Although contest scores and DXCC credits are published as if it is a worldwide competition; it really is you against your past records. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don't. But there is always next time, next year, next opening.... That is what makes this fun. I hope you all agree. Best Regards de Norm Styer - AI2C.

CQ Serenade