LARG Monthly Meeting
June 19, 1999

The June 19th meeting of the L.A.R.G. was held at the home of Gary Quinn, NC4S. The meeting was called to order by Norm Styer, AI2C, president, at 8:40 A.M. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a welcome to all newcomers.

The secretary's report was read and accepted.

The treasurer's report was read and accepted. No transactions were made this month. The club authorized the following expenditures: pictures frames for awards, stamps, and Field Day expenses including a portable toilet.


Training Committee

Paul, N4PD, gave a summary status report and asked if the club preferred to set up a class for new amateur radio operators or one to help present club members upgrade. Some discussion followed. Five club members said they wished to upgrade, so with this information in mind, Paul scheduled a meeting of the training committee for June 30th at 7:00 P.M. at his house.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, chairman of the Balloon Committee, was not present, but it was announced that the August 14th balloon launch was scheduled as planned..

Contest Committee

John Unger, W4AU, chairman of the contest committee, had no new contests to announce. He said that the results of the Virginia QSO party had been published in the club newsletter and that LARG did great. We came in second place. In order to win the contest next year, John recommended that each club member get 40, 000 points and get 100 multipliers.

Norm, AI2C, then presented plaques to John, W4AU, and Templar Titus, W4HZV for their outstanding scores in the Virginia QSO Party. He also showed the plaque he had been awarded at the Manassas Hamfest for his Virginia QSO score and he announced that Paul Bock, K4MSG, who was absent, had received an award for the highest CW score in the Virginia QSO Party.

John then circulated an article he had written for the National Contest Journal about LARG's approach to the VA QSO Party.

FAR Committee

John, W4AU, said there was no activity in this area.

Ray, K4AJA, is a member of FAR and said that he felt there was no club interest in FAR right now. The club originally joined FAR 4 years ago to publicize the club as it was just starting out, but now that the club is on the net people can check it out there.


The by-laws were included in the last newsletter so that members could review them and provide suggestions for changes. A meeting of this committee will be held before the next club meeting.

WEB Activities

Norm, AI2C, circulated an e-mail address sheet for members to make changes, etc. John, W4AU, commented that having the newsletter on the web saves the club between $6 and $8 postage a month.


A motion was made and carried to have all club meetings for the rest of the year at the Leesburg Police Station.



Dale, KD4LSL, brought up the issue of having the club incorporate, but this was tabled until further notice, however, Norm said he would look into the issue of having club insurance.

Field Day

A Field Day agenda sheet was circulated and Gary, NC4S, Field Day Chairman, said that he had set a goal of 1500 contacts, or 21 contacts per hour per station.

He also said that Field Day antenna set-up would begin at 4:00 P.M. on June 25that his farm. Food and drinks would be provided with Ray, K4AJA, procuring them. A motion was made and carried that the club would pay for Field Day food.

Field Day Operations start Saturday, June 26th at 2:00 P.M. and continue through Sunday, June 27th at 2:00 P.M., with tear-down immediately following. It was also suggested that all club members make out a standard 25-word message to send to family and friends to enhance the Field Day score.

The July meeting of LARG will be held at the Leesburg Police Station on Saturday, July 17th.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary