LARG Monthly Meeting
May 15, 1999

The May 15th meeting of the L.A.R.G. was held at the Leesburg Police Station. The meeting was called to order by Ray Houff, K4AJA, vice-president, in the absence of the president, Norm Styer.

The secretary's report was read and accepted.


Training Committee

Paul, N4PD, asked if anyone wanted code practice after the meeting. No one did, so Paul said he would ask again next meeting.

Balloon Committee

Tom Dawson, WB3AKD, chairman of the Balloon Committee, reported that the balloon had reportedly come down in the Rockville area as that was when the signal stopped abruptly. He also said a fault tree was being initiated to pinpoint problems with the balloon launch. Another balloon launch is scheduled for August 14th. This launch will be held farther to the west so the balloon will come down in a more rural area. Then a video of the launch was shown. Tom concluded that the launch went well as all club members participated and had fun.

Field Day Committee

Field Day will be held at Gary Quinn's farm near Lovettsville. A map to his farm will be printed in the next newsletter. There will be three stations operational and we will probably use more than one generator as the stations will be farther apart. A sign-up sheet for donating field day equipment was circulated.

The June meeting will be held at Gary's, NC4S, on June 19th.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Dluehosh, KE4RTP, Secretary