LARG Club Meeting Minutes
for March 19, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 8:43 a.m. on Saturday, March 19, 2005, by President Carol - KF4TJJ, who then lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 33 people in attendance at the meeting.

All were welcomed. No visitors were present. New member Gary - AI4IN introduced himself. Jay Greeley was welcomed back from his long absence serving his countrymen in Iraq.

The February 2005 minutes were read by Secretary David - K4ARP and approved as corrected.

The report of Treasurer Gary - NC4S was approved as presented.

Boyd - N5CTI opened a discussion on the ARRL's requirement of 51% of a club's membership to be ARRL members for club affiliation. LARG currently has 60% of its members also ARRL members. . The officers of the club will monitor this number in case it gets close to the required 51%.

Also on club membership, Boyd - N5CTI opened a discussion on various club membership categories, (current is Full, Associate and Youth-Student) and brining the use of Life, Honorary in line with other organizations use of such memberships. He suggested the club research this topic further as to the granting of and rights and privileges associated with these memberships. Don - K8DSJ suggested that we contact Walter - WA3EOP (of the Antietam Radio Assoc.) for a copy of their club's By-Laws on this matter. Mark - W3ZI suggested that specific voting guidelines be established for each membership category.


Carol - KF4TJJ reviewed the various club standing committees and noted that new members were always welcome. Let her know if you want to join one. A listing of these and other special assignments are on the club web site (

Dave - KE4S shared information regarding the discussion to break Northern Virginia into its own section. The group is still defining why they want to do this and how to advertise this to the area amateur population for voting. Boyd - N5CTI reported that there is no coordination on this at the ARRL level and that is it being driven by ARES. He suggested one approach would be to strengthen communications with the existing section and maybe have an Assistant Section Manger responsible for the NV region.

Training Director Dennis - KF4TJI will try to put together a Technician Class for this spring. He is looking for a good meeting place and asked members to let him know if they knew anyone interested in taking the course.

Field Day 2005 June 25 & 26. Tom - NA4MA said that he talked to the people at Banshee Reeks and they are happy for us to use the reserve again for Field Day 2005. A motion was made and accepted to use this site again for 2005. Boyd - N5CTI volunteered for the Field Day Chairman. Charlie - K4LJH volunteered to chair the food committee. John - N4AJR stated that he is interested in captaining a GOTA Station.


Carol - KF4TJJ poled the membership for interest in supporting a request from the Leesburg Baptist Church to purchase a booth ($25) supporting their Senior Expo. The event is for seniors and their adult children on May 12th between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. This event is associated with the Loudoun County Area on Aging. Larry - K3HE suggested that as we were a Public Service Group the $25 fee should be waived and that if they agreed he would do the event.

Bill - K8SYH and BA suggested talking to the area Scout Troops for new members and setting up Explore Posts focused on amateur radio. Typically Explore Posts are for boys and girls ages 13 to 18. Bill and BA have experience with the Scouts. A motion was made and passed for them to talk to the Scout Troops to explore this issue.


Virginia QSO Party Carol - KF4TJJ had forms and copies of rules available. John - W4AU had copies of expected propagation per band available. Paul - N4PD gave a good overview of the contests rules, band plans, logging, scoring, propagation, strategies, exchanges and how to properly fill out the summary sheet and submit the logs. Logs should be sent to John - W4AU for checking. A club Log Checking Party will be announced. Each log submitted to the contest (not John) should include $1.

Carol - KF4TJJ announced that anyone interested in running Net Control for the Sunday Night On Air Club Meeting should contact her.

There will be no net on Sunday due to the Virginia QSO Party on 3/20 due to the QSO Party.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:09am.

Respectfully submitted

David T. Mullins - K4ARP Secretary LARG