LARG Monthly Meeting
March 15, 2003

A meeting of the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group was held March 15, 2003 in the fellowship hall of Leesburg's Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. After calling the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. President Larry McCaig, KC1YC, welcomed all and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

This meeting was abbreviated due to the Virginia QSO party during the weekend.

Minutes of the February meeting were read by Joyce Ozelius and were approved as presented. Because of the Virginia OSO Party Gary Quinn, NC4S, was not present to give a Treasurer's report.

Training Committee coordinator Bill McCourt, WF1L, reported that the training schedule is posted on the club's web page. He was seeing about reserving a room at the Balch library. This will be an eight week training session instead of 11 weeks.

Public Relations chairperson Larry Hughes, K3HE, presented many ideas for helping make LARG and amateur radio known. He has been posting informative cards around the area. Larry also is contacting ComCast Cable in eastern Loudoun.

Evan Alford, KQ4CI, was at the meeting to offer his repeater to the LARG club. This was followed by a lengthy discussion involving Evan's repeater or the club putting up its own. Due to the VA QSO contest on this day, and with many members absent, a decision was made to table the issue until the next meeting. A consensus was made to continue the effort to establish a LARG repeater.

Contest talk:

Contest chairman John Unger, W4AU talked about contest localities, such as, VA cities and counties and other multipliers. Several members will run mobile again this year and Charlie Preston, K4LJH, will operate in the expedition category. Gary, NC4S, will run a multi-single operation using K4LRG. The KS4II website has a logging program to utilize for the contest which begins at 13:00 local time Saturday 3/15 until 21:00 Sunday 3/16.

A motion to adjourn was made at 9:15 am. There was no Additional business.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Ozelius, KG4SHO

For Carol L. Boehler, KF4TJJ

Recording Secretary