LARG Monthly Meeting
January 20, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Boyd Garrett, N5CTI, at 8:45am with 25 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A visitor, Vic Carter, KB9WXV, was introduced and welcomed by the club.


Boyd called our business meeting to order. As the minutes are being posted in the Newsletter, a motion to accept as posted was entertained and the minutes were approved. Gary Quinn, NC4S, our treasurer, was not present so no treasurer's report was given.


Committee Reports


Nominating Committee - Denny, KF4TJI reported that the nominating committee is submitting the following slate of officers:

President - Dave Putman, KE4S

Vice President - Bill McCourt, WF1L

Secretary - Randy Sly, W4XJ

Treasurer - Jeff Slusher, KE5APC


A motion to election was offered by Denny with support and the officers elected by acclamation. Congratulations!


Emergency/Public Service and Balloon Committees - John Unger, W4AU gave the Public Service and Balloon Reports on behalf of Tom, WB3AKD, who could not be present.

Balloon: Currently we have 1 transmitter and 2 microprocessors functioning. Tom wanted the club to consider whether to do another Fox Hunt after the February meeting. A motion to hold a Fox Hunt was affirmed by the members.

Public Service: Thanks you's were expressed to all the volunteers for Leesburg First Night, which was very successful. The club was also reminded that another Dulles Airport Drill is scheduled for 05 May 2007.


Contests - John, W4AU mentioned that the January ARRL VHF Sweepstakes and the SSB side of the North America QSO party were both being held this weekend. February contests include the ARRL DX Contest for SSB and CW.

Also, don't forget that the Virginia QSO Party is coming up the third week in March. Now is the time to begin planning for mobile or expedition operation. Remember that there is a section on the LARG website with good operating hints concerning this contest.


Training - The position of Training Chairman is currently open.


Interference - no report


Old Business


Boyd, N5CTI reported that one of our members, Bob Oliphant, KF4VBM, had passed away since the last club meeting. We had very good representation from the club at the viewing and funeral.


Bill Frisbie, W3EMH, again reminded LARG members of the opportunity to become members of the Dulles Amateur Radio Group, which owns the 145.310 repeater. The annual meeting will be held at the end of April.


Carol, KF4TJJ wanted to be sure that the club offered a big thank you to Meg Gentges, N4OGE, for organizing our Holiday party in December.


The Outstanding Member Award for 2006 was given to Charlie Preston, K4LJH for all that he has done to promote the good of the club and especially for his logistics support of our Field Day activities. Charlie was not present to accept the award.


New Business


Jay Greeley reported that the Virginia Defense Force (our state militia and the auxiliary to the National Guard) is currently expanding its ranks to cover Guard activities, with so many Guard units deployed to Iraq. He suggested that LARG explore ways that they can assist the VDF by providing communications training for those individuals who will be using the Comm Van.


Dick Maylott, W2YE, brought a request from Gordon Miller, NQ4K, Virginia QSO Party Chairman. Two plaques for the VAQP are still without sponsors, the VHF Single Operator and the High Virginia County/Independent City Single Operator. He is asking if LARG would like to sponsor one of these. The motion was made, seconded and carried that we would sponsor the High Virginia County/Independent City Single Operator award.


The Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club will be hosting a post-holiday hamfest on January 28 from 8-12noon at the Odenton Volunteer Fire Department Hall.


Carol, KF4TJJ reminded the club that, in case of inclement weather, meetings will only be held if the parking lot has been cleared of snow.


A motion was made by Dave, KE4S and seconded by Jay Greeley that the treasurer issue a check for $200 to the church as a donation for the use of the meeting space.


Jay Greeley reported that the Leesburg VFW Hall is available to LARG for its monthly meetings. The hall is located across the street from the Rust Library.


Our New President, Dave, KE4S, announced that we need a new net manager for the Sunday Evening Club Net, if anyone is interested. Also, we are currently looking for a Chairman for the Field Day 2007.


Norm Styer, AI2C, played a recording of LARG operators who were on the air at the time that the new band plan went into effect. At 12:01am on 15 December 2006 voice operations were heard on 3608 and 7130 Khz. Those who participated were Norm, AI2C; Paul Dluehosh, N4PD; Dale Harrison, K3CN; and Larry Hughes, K3HE


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.


Respectfully submitted,


Randy Sly, W4XJ
